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Ana's P.O.V

A few months had passed since I had finally joined Hogwarts, albeit as Hagrid's helper, but at least i was finally here.

My weekly late night trips to Gryffindor tower had allowed for the friendship between Hermione, Ginny and I to blossom so much that we knew what the other was thinking just through a simple look. I've even started taking Hermione with me on morning flights with Hunter, so she can take a break from the boys. Also, it assured me that when anything were to happen to me during these warring times she would know how to care for Hunter.

The only person i found it hard to talk to was, surprisingly, Neville Longbottom. That's mainly due to my own self loathing though, because every time i looked at him i am reminded by the fact that i could change Neville's life for the better. I could return to him the parent's he never knew. I could heal them, but I was forbidden to by Dumbledore. He said it wasn't their time.

Harry and I often stayed up late in my quarters in the castle, either talking about developments with The Toad, or of his dreams he's been having. Mostly though we used the opportunity to either spend tome together, as we both felt a calm we never felt before, around one another. Or we used James' old mirror to communicate with Dad, we spoke with him twice a week catching him up and telling him about our times at school.

Then he would use his invisibility cloak to return back to Gryffindor tower, where he would sleep through breakfast, leaving me to make sure he ate after first period. Whether that involved me searching him out after his first period or finding him after our class and slipping him breakfast through his bag.

Ron and I had bonded through his inability to express his feelings to Hermione. I often found myself grooming Hunter in the evenings, listening to Ron gush over Hermione, whether it be her "thick lush hair!" or her "plump smile." He made me laugh a lot, not meaning to most of the time.

That's where i found myself now, the sun was setting casting a golden glow around Hunter's fur making him preen in warmth. Ron was sat on Hagrid's step, hoping i would know how he could ask Hermione to Hogsmead.

"Ron, I'm sure if you just asked her nicely to accompany you, she would in a heartbeat." I said, throwing a teasing look over my shoulder. No matter how heavily i hinted to the fact that Hermione liked him back, he never got it.

I was brushing down the fur under Hunter's wings when Ron suddenly asks,

"What about Harry?"

I stumbled in my ministrations, trying to fight off the blush on my face. I quickly realised that i had stopped brushing under Hunter's wing, and started again, "What about Harry, Ron?" I asked.

"Well, I mean you two have gotten awfully close..." he trailed off, then suddenly his smirking face popped under Hunter's wing. "And by the colour of your face, I'm guessing you realise this too!" He laughed, i quickly dropped Hunter's wing, which earned me an annoyed snort from my old friend.

"Harry and I are just friends Ronald." I stated, throwing the brush back in the bucket, my grandfather had dropped off from home.

"Yes, but do you want it to be more?" Finally, I stopped turning to look at Ron. I knew my face was red, i could feel the heat radiating off my face.

"Yes." I stated simply, I couldn't deny that in the months Harry and I had spent together I had fallen for him. Hard. But i would never let that get in the way of what i am meant to do. Protect him. "But i know he still has feelings for Cho, we both do."

I looked Ron in the eye as i said this, and his teasing grin quickly fell of his face. I sighed, before giving a bright smile.


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