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A/N - I realise how much i'm twisting the original storyline, and it will be twisted further because i have always loved the thought of Sirius having a daughter and this is how i would want her incorporated into the story! Anyway, thanks for being so patient with updates and for all the nice comments, they really motivate me to continue writing!

It was now June and the DA ran on weekends, for however long we could without getting caught. Of course it helped to have me there, as I liaised with Uncle Albus as often as I could with his many trips to the Ministry.

So far we had taught everyone what Harry knew in DADA, and it was going great. They were learning how to cast a Protronus, and so far many people had achieved it. Including the twins, who i was currently high-fiving.

"You did great guys!" I laughed, as they pulled me into a group hug.

"Not without you, Sia!!!" The cheered, jumping up and down. I rolled my eyes at the nickname, sending a tickling hex in their direction for calling me so.

"Don't call me Sia!" I sang innocently as I watched them squirm, helplessly giggling with a smug face. I heard one solid bark of laughter and looked up to see Harry grinning exasperatedly over at me. I laughed back blowing him a subtle kiss, which made him smile wider. We were months in on our relationship and we still avoided telling anyone until we had spoken to dad, as Harry was nervous for his reaction and would rather speak to him in person.

I looked back down at the twins who were rolling around in the floor with tears of laughter running down their face.

"ANA..AH- PleAsE—Ha!! STOP!!!" Fred choked out, and i giggle to myself before releasing them from their 'torture'.

"What have we learnt today boys?" I said mockingly, as i crossed my arms and tapped my foot as my best Minerva impression.

"Not to call you S-I-A..." George said cautiously, unsure if they actually said the name they would be under your charm again.

"YES RON!!" We all spun around to the sound of Mione's voice as she praised Ron who had managed to cast his protronus. Fred, George and I all wolf whistled, whilst clapping our hands making the boy go a brighter red then he already was when Hermione praised him.

"Shut up..." He muttered, lobbing the nearest book in our direction causing us to duck and crack up laughing.

However, despite all our fun I knew that I was to start my part of the curriculum now that Harry had finished his. Even Harry would be learning now.

So as I looked around the room i saw that everyone was able to cast some form of protronus and grinned, hopping up onto a pile of books in the corner of the room, which instantly caught everyone's attention.

"Over the last few weeks, everyone has done brilliantly! Myself along with Harry are so happy and proud of all of you!" I called out, so my voice was hear throughout the room. I allowed a moment for everyone to congratulate each other with happy smiles, hugs and pats on the back. I saw Neville shyly smile over at me, and i sent him a bright smile back, mouthing 'especially you, Nev!' Which caused him to go red but smile proudly.

After a minute or two I regained everyone's attention by clearing my throat. "However, there is still more to learn. I have a few small tricks up my sleeve that may save your life or someone else's!" I grinned, glancing at Harry who boosted my confidence by giving me a thumbs up.

"So! The first thing to teach you is how to be prepared to protect yourself against an attacker." I said, becoming more serious now. "The first spell I'm going to teach you is Avertas - this spell creates a shield made up from magic similar to a protronus. Except you don't have to think of a happy memory but you must feel a desire to protect in order to preform this spell. Whether that be yourself or others." I explained, then going on to show them how to cast the spell and the form the body would have to take.

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