Blooming friends and relationships!

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When Ana walked down to the dining room that morning, her father and grandfather following closely behind the first greeting to bestow her was the excited yip of Hunter, who had jumped down from Tonks' lap where Ginny and Hermione were helping tie a bow around Hunter's antlers. Ana couldn't help but laugh as her tiny winged stag skidded across the floor, his hooves providing no grip and landed on his belly all four legs spread at her feet, looking up at her with his little fluffy tail waggling, like that of a small puppy.

"Well don't you look just adorable!" Ana laughed, bending down to pick up her beloved companion, letting him nuzzle her once he was comfortably rested on her chest. She looked up at Hermione and Ginny, giving them a smile, "How'd you get him to stay still for so long?"

Hermione smiled back, feeling a growth of happiness as she was able to talk to the girl she was afraid wouldn't want to be friends with her, "It was difficult but we worked out that giving him a sugar cube seemed to keep him quiet." She giggled, Ana soon joining her.

"No wonder he is such a hyper mess this morning. Well I'm glad you're having fun bunny butt!" Ana grinned knowing that Hunter hated that nickname. True to himself Hunter snorted unhappily, throwing his head out of the crook of Ana's neck to give the girl an appalled look.

"Would you like some breakfast Ana?" Ginny asked, also desperate to make friends with the girl. After all she was a girl, and there wasn't many of them around here.

"If you wouldn't mind." Ana said, so Ginny and Hermione separated on their bench offering for Ana to sit between them. Ana happily obliged, never having other girls her age to talk to or befriend before. She settles between the girls, Hunter setting his front hooves on the table and using Ana for support so that he could look between the girls hoping for scraps of bacon.

Aberforth nor Sirius had yet to sit, both preoccupied with watching Ana socialise. Sirius turned to look at Aberforth when he heard him sigh sadly, throwing him a concerned look. "I feel that i never gave Ana the best childhood, Sirius. This is probably the first friends she's ever made." He explained, guilt flooding his expression.

Not meaning to, Sirius' face lifted in surprise and shock, only causing for the guilt to tenfold. Sirius immediately apologised, "I could never thank you enough for raising her Aberforth. It should have been me, but i was so reckless and stupid. She's perfect in every way." He said, then invited him to sit next to him and Remus at the top of the table to eat.

So the young girls chatted loudly, laughing with each other over funny stories, especially of the ones Ana had of Charlie whilst they were in Romania. Every now and then Tonks would chime in with her perspective and it had the girls giggling in hysteria. Molly and Arthur laughed at their son's antics relieved to hear that his life was pleasant when they were not present.

Eventually, the twins joined the group at the table eagerly tucking into their breakfast, whilst eagerly striking up conversation with Remus and Sirius about being the 'Kings of Pranks' which Sirius was very happy to uphold such a title. The last people to trickle down to breakfast was Harry and Ron, who were sleepily rubbing the sleep out of their eyes.

"Mornin'" Ron mumbled, slumping down in his seat across from Ginny and Harry sitting next to him opposite Hermione and Ana.

"Merry Christmas Harry!" Sirius smiled, standing to greet his godson, Harry happily rose from his seat to hug his godfather.

"Happy Christmas everyone!" Harry smiled, thanking Mrs Weasley as she placed a large plate of breakfast in front of him.

"You're welcome dear." She smiled, patting his cheek and kissing the top of Ron's bedhead in greeting, in which she got a slightly embarrassed response of, "Morning Mum..." which made the twins snicker.

Once everyone had a bite to eat, Mrs Weasley quickly set about to handing out her Christmas gifts. When she came to Ana, she handed the girl her gift and rubbed her shoulders affectionately. Mrs Weasley had known of Ana's existence for many years, because it was her that Dumbledore called upon to nurture during her first months of birth. Keeping it a secret was one of the hardest things in life she had to face.

So when Ana ripped open her present she was not surprised to see the knitted jumper and she happily pulled it over her head, and grinned up at Mrs Weasley, "Thanks Molly, I look forward to a new one each year!! They're so comfy! Dad have you felt this?" She asked, looking to Sirius who was laughing at her enthusiasm along with Remus. "What?" Ana asked, confused as to what was so amusing to her dad and godfather.

"If you had a tail it would be going at 100 mph with how excited you are." Harry laughed, just finishing pulling his jumper on. Ana blushed, a strange feeling entering her system, which seemed common when Harry was present in the room.

"What? I'm not wrong." Ana shrugged, shyly tucking some hair behind her ear. Tonks was looking at her little cousin with her mouth agape, never having sern Ana looking so abashed. Slowly, her lips twisted into a fangirling grin, as she flicked her gaze rapidly between Harry who found himself grinning at Ana, and Ana who was blushing as she smiled back.

Remus who was sat next to Tonks, curiously looked at his girlfriend. He wondered what she was so giddy over until he realised what she was staring at.


This time Remus hid his smirk behind his fork, keeping his eyes trained on his food. Sirius frowned as he looked at his best friend and cousin who looked like they had just figured out how to pull of the biggest prank of the century, "What are you two grinning at?"

The couple quickly shook their heads willing the grins off their faces as quick as possible.

"Looks like the bonds already kicking in!" Molly smiled, admiring the blooming young love between Harry and Ana. At her words Sirius choked on his toast, which lead to Aberforth solemnly patting his back.

"Not the greatest revelation, huh?" Aberforth chuckled, a small sense of satisfactory settling in his stomach as Sirius finally understood how he felt when his daughter dated Sirius at Ana's age.

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