Come Home

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"Hey, hey... come here..." Harry soothed, coming to sit beside Ana, and gently hold her chin in his fingers. Forcing her to look at him rather than Tonks' lifeless body.

"Whats happening, love?" He whispered, stroking the hair that stuck to her face due to her own injuries, out of the way.

Ana's face crumpled up, her nose wrinkling and a shaky breath falling through her lips.

"Its not working, Harry. I can't heal them..." Ana whispered brokenly, her eyes falling back to the body in her arms.

"Look at me..." Harry called out, bringing his Fiancé's face back in his direction. Holding eye contact he kept her talking whilst he stealthily dug through their connection to try and find the problem.

"I can't stop seeing it... over and over... and over again... I can't find any light!" Ana growled out, frustrated at herself.

Harry quietly gasped as he noticed Ana's eyes burning gold with her magic desperate to come out but unable to.

Harry reached through to their connection and could see the gold dust whirling around her core like a freak storm.

"You need to try for me... one last time." Harry whispered into her ear, kissing is as he pulled away.

Ana stared blankly back at Harry, her hesitation and exhaustion evident in her golden gaze.

Slowly, Ana nodded dropping her head to look at Tonks placing her open palm over Nymph's heart.

Seeing her close her eyes, Harry opened up their connection. He was able to see everything she saw, hear everything she could hear and smell everything she could smell. Her emotions were now his.

Harry could see that the golden dust crackled and popped with Ana's efforts but was thwarted by the images flashing through her mind. It was building up rapidly but her inability to remain positive trapped it.

Frowning, Harry called forward their shared happy memories. Their first kiss, their first time, their first 'date', when the family was together, and their connection sharing the birth of Leon.

It wasn't until Leon's face flashed through the shared space that Ana's eyes shot open, glowing gold and the build up of magic exploded within Ana.

Opening his eyes, Harry gasped as Ana's auburn hair danced around her head like a halo. It glowed as the stream of golden dust swirled around Ana's body, causing for a wind to pick up.

"Leon!" Harry gasped out, finding the key to Ana's peace and happiness. "Mum!" He called, the red headed woman stepping forward, "Go and get Leon!"

With no hesitation Lily Apperated from the Room. Alessia and Sirius rushing forward to crouch down beside their daughter.

"What's happening?" Sirius asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Her ability to bring back the Dead is tied with her state of mind and emotions. Her magic was blocked by the sight of Tonks and Remus' death..." Harry rushed to explain, watching as his Mum, Aunt, Aberforth and Dudley ran into the room.

"We need to overrule the sadness..." Alessia murmured, watching as Harry straightened up to take Leon from his Mum.

"Love..." Harry called out, watching as Ana snapped her eyes towards him. Her eyes fell from Harry's face to Leon's sleeping frame in his arms.

"...Leon.." Ana whispered, a smile forming on her lips. Ana leaned against Harry, her eyes never leaving her son's form.

As if sensing his Mother's presence, Leon opened his eyes and they flashed the golden hue of his mother's eyes before returning to their grey orbs.

As Leon's eyes opened Ana's magic erupted, spreading throughout the room like a wildfire before raining down throughout the grounds of Hogwarts.

Everyone gasped, watching as their friends, family and loved ones began to heal before their eyes and the life to their skin returning to them.

Alessia gaped as the blood pooled around Remus' began to disappear and the wound on Remus' chest faded.

However, Ana could only tuck herself further into Harry's side and she placed her now clean hands over Leon's head.

"Ana?" A quiet voice coughed out, which made Ana jump slightly and look down in her lap, where the voice came from.

"Nymph?" Ana gasped, pulling away from Harry to help Nymph sit up. Tonks hugged Ana tightly, crying with relief. The girls pulled apart when Remus groaned from beside them.

"Remus!" Nymph cried, flinging herself into her Husband's arms.

Ana smiled a single tear of joy rolling down her cheek. When the tear hit the floor a last wave of magic burst from within Ana and settled around the room.

Healing the wounded and bringing back the dead.

Cheerful cries and delighted laughter filled the room as family and friends were reunited once more.

Harry let out an astounded chuckle, drawing Ana's shocked attention to him. When she turned to him, Harry captured her lips in a loving kiss. Pouring every emotion within him into it - taking Ana's breath from her.

The parents pulled apart, pressing their foreheads together as they looked down at their son.

"I've missed you so much..." Ana whispered, kissing Harry once more.

"More than you know." Harry murmured against her lips, smiling. Happy to have his love and son finally in his arms.

The mood was darkened dramatically however, when a hissing voice echoed throughout the room.

"You have... one Hour..."

His last echoing words sent shivers down Harry and Ana's spine. The couple looked at each other and began to form a plan.

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