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A/N- WARNING! The themes ahead may be disturbing for some readers! - FeatheredAspects

"Tonitrus is the latin term for Guardian of Thunder. That is your title known by many magical creatures of our world Ana. You are the Tonitrus." Remus' voice was a gentle rumble as he slowly tried to explain to Ana what he meant.

Ana found herself staring at Remus, rapidly trying to soak up the information he was telling her, but finding herself more confused than anything.

"I don't get it... What's so special about being the Guardian of Thunder?" Ana whispered. Remus sighed, rubbing at his forehead hoping to massage away the forming migraine.

"The Tonitrus, was apart of a prophecy made many years ago, in the ages of Merlin." Andy gently inputted, from where she sat directly across from Ana on the other side of the fire pit, "The prophecy stated that in times where both the wizarding kind and man kind were threatened by the dark forces of the world, Fulgur Custos would be born, in order to protect the innocent against such forces."

Silence held the room, as Ana tried to wrap her head around what she was being told.

Her brows furrowed in deep confusion, tears of frustration and exhaustion starting to bite at the back of her eyes, "The... Fulgur Custos?"

"It means Lightning Guardian." Remus added, helpfully. His mouth pulled into a frown of concern for his godchild. Ana slowly nodded as she turned to look at Andy once more, sighing.

"However, the first time the Fulgur Custos was needed, they were killed. So, a Tonitrus was created to protect the Fulgur Custos..."

"C-can we perhaps.. use the translated terms, please? This is hard enough to understand without the gibberish... sorry.." Ana interrupted, her frustrations starting to bubble and overflow.

"Of course! I'm sorry to have to be the one to explain this to you Tonitrus-.. uh... Thunder Guardian!" Andy blushed as she quickly corrected herself, earning a relived but weary smile from Ana, "The Thunder Guardian was made to protect the Lightning Guardian. So, due to the Lightning Guardian being made so strong already, the Thunder Guardian had to be made even stronger. They were given defensive powers even stronger than that of the Lightning Guardian, powers no other wizard, even that of Merlin himself, dreamed of ever possessing."

"What powers? A-a-and for all you guys know, you could have mistaken me! You're probably wr-.."

"They're not wrong Ana." Remus interrupted, strongly, forcing Ana to halt in her rambling. Suddenly, Ana felt her breath become shorter.

"The mark of the Thunder Guardian is unmistakable. Only Thunder Guardians are able to bring back what was once lost, so that those who fought for the light and had lost their lives can be arisen once more to expand the army of the defenders and bring redemption to those who committed to a good cause. You were able to revive Nox back in Romania. You were able to reverse the role of the Veil."

Ana felt as if her voice had all but abandoned her. She stared down at her lap, mouth slightly agape as her mind whirled to compute the information. When suddenly, it all came to a halt when she finally registered Hunter's small form rubbing his head against her shaking hands comfortingly.

"You're wrong." Ana's voice trembled, as she continued to stare down at Hunter, who looked up at Ana with big, seemingly innocent, eyes. Ana looked up, staring intensely at Andy, "Before my birth my mother was able to revive Hunter's mother, long enough so she could finish birthing Hunter. If Thunder Guardians are so rare and wanted only when both the human world and wizard world are at stake then why was my mother able to do so?"

Andy's shoulders slumped, as she turned to face Remus who was tearing up beside Ana. He opened his mouth to speak but couldn't get any words out. Gulping past the lump in his throat, Remus managed to speak.

"Ana... you're mother's power grew immensely once she became pregnant with you. She was never able to.. do the... things... she did until she was pregnant with you." Remus, let out a shaky breathe, clenching his trembling hands into fists, "At first we thought it was because you were a product of both Black and Dumbledore blood. But it wasn't until the night of Halloween, when Harry was marked that we knew. Your mother was sent to live your grandfather while your father was sentenced, so that she and you could be hidden, kept safe."

It was then that Remus choked on his own memories, tears spilling over his cheeks.

"It was then that we were told the power it would take in order to birth you would be too great for your mother to handle, especially in her weakened state, away from her mate. Your father."

Ana sucked in a sharp breath, her eyes snapping wide, "No... no no no!!!" Her voice was hoarse and broken, "I-I.. I killed her!"

Ana's heart broke, as she fell forward onto her hands, her sobs ripping through her chest. Remus jumped up to pull Ana into his arms, but she started punching at him, slapping him as she struggled against him. Remus had to grab her forearms, using his inhuman strength to stop her assault. 

"ANA!" Remus was trying to call to her but all she was doing was trying to get out of his grip screaming at him. After about ten minutes she wore herself out and went limp against him, sobbing, "You should have chose her over me... she should have lived... she.. you... you should have killed me..."

Remus just cried as he cradled Ana, stroking her hair until she had cried herself into exhaustion.

The only cries heard in the room were Remus'.

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