May 1st

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Peter's POV:

May 1st, 15:23 PM.

Landing on my feet, I immediately dropped the glass in favour of sprinting toward the dense tree line and finding the Pack.

As I had just reached the tree line I let out a loud, high pitched whistle. Those of the Pack that were on the ground harvesting their crops and setting up their own makeshift market, whipped their heads around in my direction.

The crowd gasped, quickly recognising me and sending for Sam and the Elder.

"Peter!" A young voice called out, as I saw Si running over to me. Once he was within reach he threw himself at my legs, his arms wrapping around me tightly, "Are you and Nay-Nay ok?"

More than slightly out of breath, I bent down to Silas' height and gently stroked his blonde hair from his face.

"Of course we are... Just need to speak to your Mum and Dad real quick, buddy." He looked a little crestfallen at the slight dismissal, so in order to cheer him up I told him about Leon, "Nay-Nay's had her baby!"

Silas' face lit up like a muggle Christmas tree as he started hopping with his excitement, "Really!?"

"Yup! It's a boy!! His name is Leon." I informed him, chuckling when the little guy exclaimed, "Like the star right?"

"Yeah, sorta."

When the sound of footfalls resounded from behind Si, I looked to see a frantic Andy and Sam sprinting towards us.

Standing up I met the couple with a hug, the pair of them frantically asking questions.

"Voldemort is planning to hold the Battle at Hogwarts. Innocent kids will die if we can't gather enough help." I rushed to inform, watching as a horrified murmur travelled around the surrounding pack.

"What about Ana? Is she alright? The baby?" Andy gasped, her fears causing her to conclude to the most irrational of thoughts.

"They're both fine! She had him yesterday at 7:34 in the morning!" I reassured, watching as relief flooded over Andy's face. Her hands coming to her mouth as she giggled with glee.


Nodding, I couldn't help but smile thinking about Little Leon, "Leon Albus Potter."

The pack cheered with delight, making me realise how much of an effect Ana had on these people. What she meant to them.

"Then the war must be won." Came an old but steady voice from behind Sam and Andy.

Looking over Andy's and Sam's shoulder I could see the Elder wobbling over to the centre of the crowd where Andy, Sam, Si and I stood.

"Gather some volunteers and go with Peter, Sam. There is no time to waste. Our strength and sharp senses are valuable in protecting the Tonitrus and Fulgur. As well as their new born son." The Elder commanded.

Sam and Andy shared a look, seemingly having a conversation only to be heard by them. The pair of them nodded, before Sam rose to his full height and addressed the rest of the pack.

"The Fulgur needs the Tonitrus! Therefore, the Tonitrus needs us! Those of you who wished to fight, stand with me. Those of you who wish to stay will not be shamed for doing so." Sam called out.

I could only watch, gobsmacked, as most of the pack stepped forward. Only the Elders, pregnant and children remaining behind along with a handful of the men to keep those who remained safe.

"For Ana!" Sam cried out, which was chanted across the Pack.

"Bring all the weapons you have with you. Voldemort's army will all have wands, even if they do not know how to use them." I solemnly informed the couple.

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