For Avaley

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My youth seems like a life time ago. The days of carefree splendor and play left behind. When you are young you can’t wait to grow up. When you grow up you constantly remember and reflect on your youth. Never more so then when you are in the situation that I am in today.

I got the call early this morning from the Nurse taking care of my mother. I was informed that her time was short and I should come as soon as possible. All though it is the eventuality that faces us all my heart still stopped.

Though in my youth Mom and I were like peas and carrots (as Forrest Gump would say). She was my rock and everything I aspired to be. By time I hit my teen years everything changed. I no longer understood my mother’s decisions and wondered why she took me down the rabbit hole so to say. I became confused as most teens but felt lost and left behind. Even now in my thirties I still feel the remnant effects from my youth. I have a hole in my heart that has never healed. My father was able to help some with that but I will never forget the sting of the wound.

My flight left two hours after the phone call and I went straight to the hospital. Walking through the doors it was hard to see such a strong vibrant woman reduced to such frailness. She turned to the door at the sound and the largest smile spread across her face. Her smile has always lites up a room. She held up her hand beckoning me to join her. Her voice has been weak and frail for years now and she rarely talks.

Grasping her hand I sit and lean into an embrace. I almost cry knowing my mother’s hugs are limited. I want to soak them up as much as I can. Dad walked in the door as I was pulling away.

“Ava darling I am so happy to see you.” Just hearing his voice the smile that spread across my face showed nothing but the love I have for him.

I stood embracing my father in a hug and lose control of my tears. Quietly crying I squeeze him tighter. Not wanting to upset mom I quickly nip it in the bud. Dad bless his heart, he doesn’t let go till he knows I am done. I try to wipe my eyes ninja style but I am sure she saw it. I turn back to my mother and sit on the chair so I can hold her hand once again.

“Honey, your mother has something here for you.” My father’s voice startles me out of my memory capturing stare. “She has been working on it for the last few years. You know she is not good with words when speaking but great at writing them down. So she wrote this for you.”

Dad hands me a huge journal. I look between my mother and father not knowing what to say.

“Go on” my mother whispers out “it is all the answers for you.”

I let the tears flow. I know that she knows the end is near and yet her strength is shining through in other ways. With a smile and squeeze to my hand I open the journal.

This is a story I started writing in honor of a lost friend. Though I changed names (obviously) I wanted to capture her and share her with the world. Most chapters in the restricted version are for adults readers only. The content of this story with be very graphic and unsuitable for younger readers. I will an scaleing them down and posting them in another book but a PG-13 version. Please be warned and take into consideration who should read this. Very explicit scenes in chapters to come!

For Avaley  * unedited*Where stories live. Discover now