Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15

Evan froze and looked at me. “Evan she is your daughter.” He spun around and looked at his mirror image in female form (besides my few traits). His breath caught in his throat at first sight of her.

“Evan, this is your daughter Avaley. Avaley meet your father.”

They were both frozen solid with tears streaming down their faces. If it wasn’t such an emotional time I would have laughed at their comical mirror like reactions.

Evan had let go of me with one hand. He still had his other hand squeezing the life out of my arm. Than his anger turned on me “YOU COULDN’T FIND IT IN YOU TO TELL ME FOR OVER FIFTEEN YEARS!” He roared and I flinched.

“I didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t know how to talk to you again. I told you I am sorry and I know I did wrong.”


I heard her before I saw what she was doing. She ran at her father screaming “Leave her alone you big lug”. At least she tried to clean up her language from her last outburst. She rammed into him at his point of leverage and we all went down. I started laughing before I hit. That’s my girl. As soon as Evan got his breath he started laughing just as hard. My Avaley, making us both laugh, I guess it’s her special talent. She was so angry sitting on top of his stomach with her arms crossed looking at both of us back and forth.

“What the hell is so funny?” She spat at us. So much for the filter on her mouth.

We just roared with laughter even harder. Ava got so mad she just stood up and stormed off angry. God she was my daughter in so many ways.

“Avaley come back.” I choked out between laughs.

At the mention of her again name Evan stopped laughing. He looked at me.

“You named her after my Grandmother?”

“Yes as soon as I knew she was yours. I always loved her name.”

He rolled over and planted a kiss right square on my lips. It held all the joy and passion he had bottled up for me. I just froze not knowing how to react. I know he is married he shouldn’t be doing this. I couldn’t help it I missed him all these years. I kissed him back with the same passion I’ve held onto only in memory. To actually be able to tangibly feel it was healing to me. Though I knew it was a moment to toy with my emotions. I welcomed the laps in his judgment even if it would be all I would get.

“God you two get a room.” Ava said with absolute disgust.

Evan rolled off me laughing, sat up with an impressive speed, grabbed her arm and pulled her into a giant Evan bear hug. He started crying and kissing her all over like a loon. She was looking at me and her eyes were screaming for help. I think I even saw a hint of fear. All I could do is laugh hysterically and with an effort tell her “you wanted to meet you father so here he is.” That stopped Evan enough to get him laughing again. We sat there laughing like the crazy parents and Ava played the part of the brooding teenager well. This put us into even more hysterics and we both realized it at the same time.  We were both one step away from bladder control issues.

This ended up turning out far better than I thought was possible. I still knew we had a lot to talk about but the cards were on the table. I felt an immense sense of weight lifted off my shoulders. In a way telling Evan was almost healing. In hindsight (again) I guess getting help would have gotten me hear earlier. Though I firmly believe I needed all that time. Selfish you ask, yes it was beyond words. We all paid a price for my selfishness and fear. Yet I feel as though I am on the path I was meant to be on. I can only hope Evan and Avaley feel the same. They say time heals all wounds. I pray for that to be true in our case.

This is not the end. Much more to come in this story. Vote, Comment and Fan.

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