Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

“Excuse me but we are getting complaints” a waitress shyly said to us.

“Is this a library?” I looked around slowly drawing a lost look on my face. “Dad where are the books?” He kicked me under the table lightly.

“Ma’am I am sorry my daughter and I will be done shortly. We will keep our laughter under control till we do so. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

I crossed my arms like a petulant child and huffed. Yes I even turned my head away from the nice waitress and pouted. I mean seriously who complains about laughter. You’d think we would be helping to lift the spirits of others. It’s not like we were being disruptive in a bad way.  As she walked away I started giggling again and Dad joined in. I was even blessed with his all so famous giggle-snort.

“You are a smartass just like your mother you know that kid.”

“I have heard it a time or two.”

I placed the ribbon back in the journal and we continued to finish our food. I couldn’t help but to think what Dad’s side of the story is.

“Hey Dad?”


“Would you ever tell me your side of the story like mom did?”

“You know all you ever had to do was ask but can it wait till we are back in the room?”

“No problem lets finish up here and get back to mom. Oh and by the way you know I am going to record it as well; your answer to my question that is or should I say your side of meeting Mom.”

“On what honey?”

“Like you said I am my Mother’s Daughter. She always taught me to have one of these” I pull a digital recorder out of my purse and wave it at Dad “you never know when inspiration will hit.” I finished giving him a cheeky grin.

“You may look like the old man but your brain is entirely the old lady’s and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

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Oddly enough the first time I noticed Paige was when she was moving into her room. There was a tall guy with her. He had dark hair and a pale complexion. Goth was written all over him.  From his demeanor to his piercings, clothing, and then all the way down to his painted nails.

I watched from afar while she carried load after load into the building. There was just something about her that attracted me from the instant I saw her. Like a moth to the flame my life was about to get lost in her glow.

I was disappointed that I had to go to the bookstore for my volunteer shift. At this point I was really kicking myself for accepting another shift. All I wanted to do was stay and watch this captivating new student. I was hoping to maybe see something that would open a conversation between us. I know it was a little stalkerish but I just wanted to meet her. As luck would have it I was about to be graced with her presence a little over an hour later.

As I was trying to work in the back store room pulling the books as the purchase slips came through. I was having trouble concentrating constantly thinking about her. I was annoyed at hearing an argument at the counter. After finishing the book slip I was working on I headed out to the counter area to break it up. To my surprise there she was. Fiery temper blazing in all its fury putting that ass hole Chris in his place. I couldn’t help but just watch her. Leaning against the door with my arms crossed over my chest. I watched the spectacle in awe that I would come to know as Paige.

After Chris left as she was checking out her books I found the Manager Todd and told him what happened. I also convinced him to let me follow her home to make sure Chris didn’t do anything. Knowing what Chris was like Todd agreed. So I clocked myself out after being there for not even two hours.

He was nowhere to be seen on the way back to the dorm. I followed her all the way to her room and watched her enter. Once she was safe I continued on up to the roof to watch the sunset and think. I was so lost in thought with my ear buds in that I never heard her enter the roof top terrace.

After the sunset was done I went to leave and notice the object of my recent obsession just sitting there. Let’s just say I was a little shocked that I didn’t notice her enter but ecstatic. I desperately tried to run through different ideas of how to approach her. I mean it’s not like I was going to start the conversation using that dickheads name. The only lame idea I came up with was about the sun set. So getting my resolve in place I tried to approach her.

She looked so peaceful and relaxed. I knew I should leave her alone but I just couldn’t. I figured if the universe threw us together three times in one day that we were destine to meet. I know that sounds cheesy but hey I can’t help that it was the truth. What’s even cheesier is it was love at first hit.

I had noticed mom wake up almost as soon as dad started talking. She had this peaceful glaze over her eyes as she remembered. A little smile quirked at the corner of her lips growing larger every cheesy line.

Dad’s face was no different. He had this crazy look of humor and love in his eyes. Looking at my parents there was no doubt they were the loves of each other’s lives. To know I came from such love is a privilege.

I heard my mom’s ethereal laughter as he said the last couple of lines. [I am so happy I am recording this and will have a lasting memory] I couldn’t stop my smile if I wanted to now. Her laughter was such a blessing at this stage.

“All right you two. Enough of the male perspective flash backs. There is plenty of time for that later.”

I froze at my mom’s words. Quickly glancing over to dad I noticed his stiffness to. He eyes showed nothing but a world of pain and loss. My heart broke to new levels. I knew this was going to be hard but you never really know till you are there. Cliché I know but tell me what cliché isn’t true.

“Av, Evan enough. I do not want my last few moments with my family to be depressing. Av, go back to reading honey I do so love hearing your voice.”

I picked up the journal giving dad a quick glance and started reading.

As most of you have realize I have written both a "R" and "PG-13" version to this story. I have done this so it can be read with caution but also opens it up to other age groups. My "R" has his 1000+ reads and I cannot thank you all enough. Now that my life is calming down a little I hope to post on a regular basis. Thanks for the support and reads. :D  Please continue to Fan, Vote, and Comment.

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