Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10

I woke up late for my first class. Why did I let my temper get the better of me? I took a quick shower and ran out of the room with my hair still wet. I arrived at my class 10 minutes late. Talk about embarrassing. Everyone turned around to look at me. I felt myself blush from embarrassment. My ears must have been lighting up like a beacon. I did a quick scan of the room while everyone directed their attention back to the instructor. To make matters worse there was only one seat open and it was right near the front. That meant the class was full and I had over 100 students just staring at me. At that clicking light bulb moment of realization I felt my blush intensify. I took the only remaining seat removing my books and everything I would need in a hurry.

“You will mark you name on this clipboard with the coordinating seat. This will be your seat for the semester. Please do this as fast and efficient as possible. I will pass out the syllabus and explain it while you are completing my seating chart.” Great we have Mr. Monotone for an instructor.

I sat there paying attention to what he was saying afraid to look at any other student after my grand entrance.  I was just glad I only got a look from the instructor. He could have asked me to leave.

“You will notice on the first page of the syllabus that the dates are printed for every lab and assignment due. Your lab partners will be assigned by the seating chart and I will make sure to give you your partners name before you leave today.” [His voice kind of reminds me of that eye drop commercial guy. I wonder if I could get him to sat "Dry irritated eyes"] I started to laugh at this thought but quickly covered my mouth with my hand and dropped my head. Lord knows I didn't need any more attention brought to me. Apparently I wasn't fast enough stifling the giggle as quite a few classmates around me adjusted in their seats. The person behind me went as far as to lightly kick my seat. Rolling my eyes at said student I started to pay attention again.

The clip board was slid on my desk in front of me. I started writing my name while looking at the other names already on the chart. The name right next to me stuck out “Evan Carmichael”. I finished my name with the relief of “Evan” being a common name in our age group. I mean what are the chances. I passed the clipboard on when I felt a piece of paper scrunched into my hand. I opened it up and looked at it. It had two words on it “I’m Sorry”. My eyes bugged and I think my heart nearly stopped. All I could think was shit, shit, shit, and you have got to be kidding me. I turned to see none other than my rooftop buddy. Of all the seats, all the people, all the luck. I couldn’t believe I was sitting next to him. Not to mention this was now my seat for the semester. I shook my head, closed my eyes, and started silently laughing. When I opened them he was smiling and laughing too. I wrote a note back to him on that same piece of paper “We can talk later”. He smiled and winked at me after reading it. We ended up lab partners too. I think Karma, fates or whatever other possibility is out to bite me in the ass. Sometimes I think the cosmics are working against me or with me for that matter.

After class I ran into the girl who sat at my right and she grabbed my arm pulling me into a group of girls.

“Please tell me you know the guy next to you?”

“Yeah I know his name.”

“No, do you know who he is?”

“According to the seating chart he is Evan Carmichael.” 

Some of the girls started staring at me, some giggled, and some even started breathing harder becoming flushed. I cocked my eyebrow at all of them. [HA I can do it too] I never understood girls that went crazy over boys. The girl that was sitting to my right was jumping up and down in her seat. I was shaking my head at all of them in shame. None of them noticed. They were all lost in Evan Carmichael love fest land.

For Avaley  * unedited*Where stories live. Discover now