Chapter Eight

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Warning this chapter has caused me to change my rating. There are a lot of "F" bombs and other colorful language. I have no intentions of offending anyone. I am also posting a PG-13 copy of this story. Please use your judgment and be advised. It was hard to write this character without using such language. Otherwise it would not have captured her true spirit and character. Once again please be advised this is not suitable for all readers.

Chapter 8

I had entered the roof top deck of my dorm and noticed I was not alone. It was nice that I stayed in co-ed dorms but at the same time it was nerve racking. There sat this gorgeous looking boy. The first thing I noticed was his chiseled jaw line with short unshaved stubble. His profile was perfectly symmetrical and masculine looking. Cheekbones to make any woman jealous, hell he could be a model. He had his head leaning back with his eyes closed. He looked to be enjoying the last of the day’s sun trying to suck out those few remaining tanning rays. I couldn’t help it I chuckled and walked to sit down in a chair. Well a lounger actually.

The sun was so low in the sky it looked like it should incinerate what’s on the earth at the horizon. It looked so large, like it was kissing the land with its final good night. The color it emanated was a breathtaking dark orange with a purple haze of night pushing back at all the edges trying to snuff it out. I love sunsets like this but they don’t compare the ones over the lake. I took a deep breath in and sighed out all my remaining anxiety leaving nothing but relaxation. As the sun finished setting I tipped back and closed my eyes. It was only showing dancing rays on the clouds in the horizon now. Still light enough for me to enjoy some last few minutes of peace and quiet.

A deep voice broke into my relaxed state “Did you enjoy that?”  He questioned with a laugh.

I jumped at the first word. Squinting my eyes I looked for the source of the voice. I had completely forgotten I was not alone. Looking over my shoulder slightly to the right the voice became no longer disembodied. There was this tall figure standing over me with his hands in his pockets. Slowly his face came into view and everything fell into place. Mystery hotness was speaking to me.

“It’s not as good as the ones over the lake but I found it enjoyable yes.”

He cocked an eyebrow at me and let a smile play at the corners of his lips. [Good God that eyebrow] I had to shut my eyes as to not let my reaction to him be obvious. God he was gorgeous. I would have gladly jumped him right then and there. [Wait What?!? What was I thinking and where did that come from? I was too young for things like that. I have never been one to have such thoughts like that let alone act on said thought. But . . .] I would kill to feel those full lips on mine. [Stop it! Shut up stupid thoughts] Yet someone like him is always taken plus I am just a lonely freshman. I needed to snap us out of our thought patterns. I could still feel his eyes on me watching me in an analyzing way while I had my inner battle.

“You look like you were enjoyed the last of the sun’s rays yourself.” I stated to end the awkward silence.

He laughed and my eyes flew open while I sat up straight stiffening. It was the laugh, you know that laugh from the book store, giggle-snort and all. I furrowed my brows together concentrating on him now. I did not remember seeing him at the book store. I am almost positive he wasn’t there. I would have remembered that gorgeous face. He took his hand out of his pocket and rubbed the line between my eyes.

“Don’t look so angry.”

“You were at the book store earlier.” It was a statement not a question.

He smiled and I thought I would lose it. His teeth were perfectly straight. A dentist’s dream patient personified but he could have had braces. I know it’s a weird quirk but I love straight teeth. Don't judge me we all have our list. You know the one we check off of specific attributes we would like a significant other.

For Avaley  * unedited*Where stories live. Discover now