Chapter One

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Chapter 1

I was sixteen years old when the unthinkable happened. I am a simple girl kind of on the shy side. Yes I was popular but I never let it go to my head. I knew that the trivial 'BS' in High School never lasted. High school was just to help us to learn and develop our communication skill for the future. Or at least it was suppose to but some never move on. I was the one who always got the good grades, was the athlete, and had multiple full ride offers to a major college. Like so many girls before me, I had fallen prey to a particular type of man. Smarter than most I was very naive. Maybe it was my youth that lent to this fact but one never really knows. I suppose backing up a little before moving forward may help you to fully understand. 

Growing up in a small town everyone knew everyone and nothing was sacred. Even as a young child I knew who was cheating on whom, how to get money out of the local drug dealer to buy candy (though it was just change from the pocket), and ran blocks with a professional athlete. Southwest Michigan was a combination of everything from religion to nationality. My town in particular had a college that offered discounts or in most cases a full ride to those with different nationalities if you could prove lineage. Which caused many car accidents let me tell you but as they say “that’s a different story.” We were the true embodiment of the melting pot description of the United States all in our little town.

One never to date guys from my own town, I had to live down many rumors. I was called gay, hermaphrodite, lesbian, and every imaginable mocking nick name for my height. Knowing I was in the popular click and got picked on, I couldn’t imagine what those not within the “A” group were harassed with or teased about. This thought alone was one of many that helped shape who I am and became. I suppose realizing the small mindedness of my classmates early on led me to change the way I started to view friends. I started looking at who they were instead of the click. I guess you could say I became a social butterfly. I avoided the cattiness of the girls at all costs. I no longer cared about my status within the coveted popular click.

Ironically most of my friends became boys. I found it much easier to relate to them. I guess that was part in dew to having four brothers. Well actually I only have one full brother and a half brother but my half brother has two half brothers as well. My father helped raise them and in his eyes had raised four boys. So when I came along I was a blessing and the only girl. So not only did I end up being spoiled for that by everyone but I had the baby of the family trump power too. I had to grow up fast and learn to fight back. My full brother Nick had a little bit of the middle child syndrome and seemed to take it out on me. I learned my lessons hard and fast on how to take care of myself. I guess a better description would be that they were beat into me by Nick and all his friends. That is until I hit my growth spurt.

Growing up around the boys like that I picked up quite a few male characteristics on my personality. Every male I have ever dated told me when they were with me it was like hanging out with one of the boys plus a few added benefits of femininity. Thus to make a long off-shoot in this story short I related to males a lot easier. Thinking back I am sure that didn’t help me much with all the rumors. Hindsight . . . ‘sigh’.

I graduated high school with ease and went on to college, that’s where it all began.

Please review and give me your honest opinion. It only helps to make the story better. I realize these first two uploads are a lot of set up but I promise it will speed up soon. Hit me upside the head and point out errors too please.  Thanks

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