Three days before

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Sick. Awsten is sick. He knew it from when he woke up at 3am, shivering and sweating and coughing. It feels as if a dragon has taken home in his throat and breathes fire when it feels like it. So he drinks; but drinking makes him feel sick. His muscles ache and he kind of feels like he can feel his bones. He covers himself in the duvet before realising he can't breath. He aggressively flips over and pushes the duvet to his feet. Chills rush through his body and he scrambles to get it back, but grabs the whole thing and pulls it up and pushes it all down and it's just a mess. He gives up and whimpers, tears prick at his eyes because he's so uncomfortable.

"You alright, Aws?" Geoff's groggy voice can be heard as he sits up in bed, looking over at Awsten. He has a five o'clock shadow and his hair is sticking up in all directions.

Awsten whimpers and huffs. He's still so uncomfortable and the hot, stuffy feeling won't leave - the stubborn piece of fuck.

"I'll take that as a no," Geoff continues, scratching his head. He yawns, stretching his arms and cracking his joints. His voice is kind of rough and bleak, as if he's disinterested; Awsten can't put his finger on why, though. "Has—" Geoff pauses to swallow. He looks at the clock that reads 8:38. "Has your boyfriend come over, yet?"

Awsten can't think why Geoff would ask that. "Why would Mark come over?" He tries to sit up, finds himself too weak, and flops down again.

Geoff gives him an incredulous look before replying, "Because that's what people in relationships do... They look after each other." Geoff can tell there is something wrong with the relationship Awsten has with Mark. "Call him. Tell him you're sick. See what he does." Geoff stands up and starts looking around for clothes.

Awsten debates what Geoff is talking about in his head for a while, then decides to text Mark and tell him. He simply said a that he was sick, nothing else apart from 'I love you'. He watches Geoff shimmy into some skinny jeans. "Can... Can I—" Awsten starts, but doesn't finish it because he's shy all of a sudden.

"Can you what, Awsten?" Geoff snaps, immediately regretting it. "I'm sorry, I guess I didn't sleep well last night." He softens his voice tremendously and tugs on a shirt.

Awsten is careful when he murmurs, "You always go to sleep before ten thirty." He pulls the duvet up to his chin, but wipes the sweat off his forehead first.

Geoff nods, but doesn't say anything. He goes into the bathroom and Awsten hears the tap turn on.

There's a knock on the door. Geoff comes out - with a toothbrush in his mouth and foam on his lips - to open the door. He sees it's Mark and goes back to the bathroom.

"Hey, baby," Mark mutters. "How come you're sick?" There's a threatening undertone in his voice and Geoff - who is listening from the bathroom - doesn't like it.

"I guess it was the cold and the rain yesterday." Awsten states, pushing his face into his pillow. He inhales and has to sit up to cough. Geoff watches from the bathroom door, he watches Awsten gasp for air and he watches Mark do nothing about it. He hates seeing them together; two guys acting like that. A nasty thought teeters on his mind, but he spits it out with the toothpaste.

"Maybe you should be more careful. Anyway, I have to go. Get well soon, babe," Mark leaves without a kiss.

Mark has shut the door before he can hear Awsten whimper, "I love you." Awsten curls in on himself and lets out a whimper as tears crowd his eyes.

Geoff watches on, some shaving foam still on his face. He absentmindedly glances at himself in the mirror, wiping the excess foam off with his shirt. He steps out of the bathroom and sits on Awsten's bed in a gentle manner. He hears him whimper again and puts his hand on Awsten's side.

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