Twenty One days after

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"Yeah, just come 'round, okay? Like that time he made me babysit you." Jawn talks into the phone, as he walks aimlessly around the kitchen. He looks out of the kitchen, to Geoff. He's still asleep on the sofa. "I'll see you soon, bye." He smiles and hangs up the phone. He turns back to making himself cereal for breakfast.

Geoff is woken up to someone gently stroking his cheek with their thumb and calling his name softly. "Geoff, come on. Wake up, Honey." Their breath fans across his face, it smells like fake raspberries - he likes it.

A faint smile plasters itself on Geoff's face, as he rouses from his sleep. He blinks his eyes open and is shocked to see Awsten's face so close to his. His eyes widen and he sits up quickly. His eyes go fuzzy and he has to lie back down. "Awsie, what are you doing here?" He asks through a yawn.

He hears a light chuckle and Awsten's cute voice, "I came here to look after you." It sounds very matter of fact, but he came to Jawn's to look after him and that doesn't make any sense.

Jawn, who is watching them from the door, can see the confusion on Geoff's face. "Bud," He calls, to get Geoff's attention. "I got him here to babysit you because you did that to him. I have to go out for a job, so I'll be back in a few hours." Jawn tugs on his shoes. "Awsten: make yourself at home, Geoff: get better. See ya!" Jawn calls, as he runs through the door; slamming it in the process.

It's quiet for a few moments. Geoff is still lying on the sofa and Awsten is still crouched down by his face. "You didn't have to come." Geoff whispers, after a moment of staring into Awsten's eyes.

Awsten grins and tucks a piece of Geoff's hair behind his ear. "Pay back."

At this, Geoff rolls his eyes and smirks. "Fine." Then he decides to do something a little risky... He lifts up the duvet that is now covering him, and scoots towards the back of the sofa. "I might feel better after some cuddles." He puts on his best puppy eyes and pout.

Awsten doesn't have to think twice, he dives in and wraps Geoff's arms around him. He grabs the remote from the table, turning on the TV, and cuddles closer to Geoff. He has never been this happy.

Geoff rests his head, so that his chin is on Awsten's head and watches Awsten scroll through channels. He discreetly smells Awsten's hair; it smells like raspberries. Raspberries are quickly becoming Geoff's favourite food. He looks up to see that Awsten has chosen Friends, but it's quite loud.

"Sorry, Love, but can you turn it down a little, please?" He asks. Awsten does as told, so Geoff squeezes him tighter to his chest and rubs his nose lightly on top of his head. "Thank you, Awsie." Awsten just cuddled further into Geoff.

Awsten didn't know when Geoff fell asleep... Or, in fact, when he fell asleep. However, he's woken up by the sound of a camera. His eyes opened in confusion, to see Jawn stood over them and taking pictures. He glared at him in confusion, too tired to really think of anything.

He finally manages to mumble, "What are you doing?" He pulls the duvet over his head and hears another few clicks. Geoff's arms are still wrapped securely around him, his head rolled to the side. His mouth is open a little and slight snores escape it; Awsten thinks he sounds like an adorable little lawnmower.

"Taking pictures of my favourite couple." Jawn teases, switching angles to take more pictures.

Awsten laughs breathlessly, "We're not a couple. I'm still with Mark." There's a regretful undertone in his voice, but neither parties audibly recognise it.

Jawn frowns at himself before asking, "Does Mark treat you right? I mean, Geoff has told me about him and I know he's just worrying about you and it's probably silly. But... Is he?"

Awsten is noticeably uncomfortable. "Yesterday, after Geoff left..." Awsten looks at Geoff and scrutinises his face. Click. He looks back at Jawn."I know you're his best friend, but you have to promise me you won't tell him." Jawn creeps closer to the sofa and stares at him in all seriousness; and nods curtly. Click. With once last look at Geoff, Awsten whispers, "After Geoff left my dorm yesterday, Mark slapped me."

Jawn's jaw drops. His knees buckle and he's on the floor. His mouth opens and closes like a goldfish. "What? I can't— why? No. Oh my god—" Jawn takes a breath to collect himself. "Why was Geoff at yours?"

"Because I was supposed to look after him, since he's sick, but then there was a storm and I got scared." He looks down bashfully, "We cuddled." Click.

"Why are you still with him?" Jawn asks, trying not to go over and kill Mark himself.

"He loves me, I know he does. And he promised he wouldn't hit me again. He wouldn't lie to me." Awsten says.

If you put a frog in hot water, it will leap out. If you put a frog in warm water and slowly turn the heat up, the frog will stay in there until it boils to death. That is an abusive relationship.

"Awsten, Geoff would kill him if he finds out." Jawn utters, looking at Awsten in pity.

"I know, so he won't find out. It's not like its a big deal anyway." Awsten says, slipping out of Geoff's arms. He stands and stretches. Click. Click.

"Awsten, you should break up with Mark." Jawn states in a harsh tone. He may not be able to tell Geoff, but he can do his best to help him.

Awsten's eyes snap to his, "Don't tell me what to do. I can manage myself." Awsten spits. "I'm gonna go. See you around." With that, he leaves. His shoes in his hands. Click.

Jawn looks back at Geoff and sighs. Shit.

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