Three days after

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(A/N: I'm English so idk how this works but it's thanksgiving holidays???)

One semester was complete and it was time for Thanksgiving break. Geoff knew that Awsten always went home every chance he got, so he would be going home. Awsten used to talk about his family a lot and very often about how he missed his sister. A soft smile graced Geoff's lips as memories of Awsten on the phone with his sister tip toed on the edge of his memory. He can't remember any words that were said; but he could remember the way Awsten's face scrunched up when he laughed with his sister. He laughed different with her, he seemed much more honest and caring.

Dirty gold and vermillion leaves crunched under his combat boots as he trudges to his car. He dumps his bags in the back of his truck and sighs. His shoulders have lifted a little since the incident in the cafe, but are weighed back down by what happened yesterday.

Geoff would love to say that yesterday they both sat down and had a calm discussion a out it all. However, yesterday Awsten had fled almost immediately after admitting what happened. Geoff had little time to comprehend what had happened, before he ran out of the room and followed Awsten. But two turns later Awsten had disappeared.

It bothers Geoff how he doesn't know how Awsten got home. He doesn't have a car, so Geoff normally drives him since they both live in Houston. That's another thing that Geoff was going to miss: their duets. They always used to sing along to a CD that Awsten brought and they already knew their parts instantly. Once, it was a disney CD and they went to a drive-thru. When they got their food, he swore he saw the worker look in the back for children. Maybe he got the bus, or maybe his sister drove him.

Geoff has never seen Awsten's sister in real life, only in the pictures that Awsten posts on Instagram. He imagines that she's as excitable as Awsten and very sweet, too. He would love to meet her; partly because he wants to hear stories about Awsten. Sadly, he's lost that now.


The drive home, for Geoff, is hollow. There's a little nook in his heart where Awsten normally is. His truck is too quiet, too empty, too cold without his presence. It's too much for Geoff, the emptiness is overwhelming. At the next red light, he tears open the glovebox and picks out any CD and shoves it in the glovebox.

"Hakuna Matata. What a wonderful phrase!"

Tears stream down his face and a heavy sob wracks his body. His purple and black sweatshirt is damp with tears now, his face is swelling and his face is so red. He can barely see now, so he pulls over and parks on a little side street. He covers his face with his hands and tries to stop crying in every possible way.

He misses Awsten so goddamn much.

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