Seven days after

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Geoff had spent the daytime of yesterday sleeping away his sadness. Today he doesn't seem to have a different plan.

He is woken up by his sister gently nudging him awake. She hates seeing him like this - broken and emotional. As he rolls over, he kicks the wall and flinches at the sound.

"Hey." His sister tries softly and quietly. She just wanted to see him get better.

He clears his bleary eyes, looks up at her, then buries his face into a pillow. "What?" He groans into the pillow.

His sister strokes his head as she explains, "You gotta get up, man. You haven't eaten anything for a while."

He doesn't move from her touch, as he secretly craves the comfort. However, he doesn't want her to know for some reason. "I'm not hungry." He states. His stomach doesn't growl and his mouth remains dry.

"I don't care." His sister argues. She stands up from his bed, making him look over at her again. "I'm worried about you." She looks over at him and she can see the emotions in her eyes. He thinks she's blaming herself.

"I'm okay." He smiles softly, trying to reassure her. "I'm just tired." He turns his back to her and plays with the pendant on his necklace.

His sister goes to sit on his bed, but hesitates. "I'm sorry." She says. "I didn't mean for this to happen.

She does blame herself, he thinks. "It's not your fault, " He rolls over to fave her, holding an arm out to make her sit down again. "He's the best and I'm just bitter." A lopsided smile appears on his mouth.

She reaches out and sits down. "Yeah, but together you'll be better."

Short but I'm unmotivated so whatever

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