Chapter 1

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Addison woke up from the concussion in pure darkness. Her body ached more than ever and her arms had fallen asleep, with a numb feeling. Struggling to move but was contained as if she was in a coffin. She was hog-tied, the rope draped tightly around her wrist and down to her ankles. She tried to look around but only one eye was capable of opening. She felt the car jar to the left and then back right. She was in the trunk of the car. She knew it was his old beat up Chevy and now she was suffocating in the dark, cramped area. She spotted a small stream of light that came through the opening of the trunk above her. She would have been out longer but the road had been rugged, causing her to bang her head on a steal object that rolled around, somewhat like a car jack or other sort of bar. Her head was splitting and throbbing of pain. And if she could just sit up and move a little her arms would wake to the tingling sensation. The only thing that worried her most was where in the world was he taking her.

Keith and Addie had been dating for a few years. They had met in college. Addie was studying physiology while Keith was more interested in computer technology. They were introduced to each other at a party. He seemed like a nice guy although he wasn't really considered her type. She was more prone to date guys in the field of science. Not geeky or nerdy guys but guys that were very smart and wanted a good career and making good money.

Keith was just different. He was built, although from his shirt one would not have noticed. He enjoyed working out and actually it was a hobby of his. His hair was auburn brown, a slight touch of red; it curled slightly past his ears. He was not out going, somewhat shy and seemed to keep to himself. But there was something about him that she liked and she soon fell head over heals in love with him.

She had noticed over the past year that he had changed so much. He finally graduated from the college and had a degree in technology. He landed a good job with a corporate office making high tech video games. It was a passion of his. He had wanted to change his life and the one thing he really wanted was to marry her. He wanted to be married, have children and move to a place up in the mountains. He talked of it often but she was not ready for any of it, although they had dated for the past three years. She was more concerned of her job and making her office well established. She graduated with a doctoral degree in Physiology and now had her own office in down town Atlanta. She adored her job and her patients.

The one thing that made her worry about Keith was that out of the blue he decided to shave his head. Not just any shave but completely went bald. When she came home she was just shocked, she didn't mean for her jaw to hit the floor.

"Why did you shave your hair for?" She rubbed the top of his head, then planted a kiss on his lips.

"Just something different." He wrapped his arms around her kissing her back. "Do you like it?"

"Mmmm....It will grow on me." Rolling her eyes.

"I hope so, because I'm keeping it this way." He scooped her off her feet and carried her to the bedroom. He was always so passionate with her and knew just how to ease her mind and body by the end of the long working day.

They had moved into together in a nice one-bedroom apartment on the out skirts of Atlanta. They enjoyed the simple life of dating and once they both graduated thought that it would be a great idea to move in with each other. Both of them worked in Atlanta but Keith would rather have moved to a quieter place. So they settled for ten miles out of the city. If only her parents were as happy for her as she was.

Keith had been a great guy. He cared for Addie immensely. He did everything to make her happy. In the beginning he would wait up for her late in the night and have dinner ready for her and sometimes even have a hot bubble bath waiting. He would light candles and have music playing down real low, love making music or something classical to wind her down. He was passionate about her. But over the past few month he did not do that as often. He stayed up playing, searching, and chatting on the Internet. When she would walk in he would close his laptop as if he wasn't doing anything. He became more secretive and now he gone and shaved his head. He started to come withdrawn from her and it made her feel awkward.

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