Chapter 19-

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"okay, before i start, remember, this wa during my dark times," he warned. i nodded in response. I shifted and crossed my legs. A bit of pain shot threw my leg, i ignored it and set my head on my hands.

"so you know the story of my pedofile father. when it first started is when Tracy came too my school, you know, the beating and raping. So when Tracy first came, me and Niall both immeadiatley took a liking in her. She was perfection. Long black hair, crystal blue eyes and an amazing smile. About a week after we met she told me she liked me, a lot, but Niall also had asked her out that day. I told her to go on her date and that I took no interest in her, at all. Which was a lie. I just wanted Niall to be happy, I tended to put other peopkle's feeligs before mine. Another reason why im the way i am now.

I tried to ignore her, I tried not to like her in that way. But when I finally got over her, she pulled me back in. She called me one day and told me to meet up with her, and that it was very important. So i went and met her at the local park. I asked her what going on. She said shr's been beaten that someone hit her. I asked who, she said her mom's boyfriend. I tried to get her to tell her mom, but she wouldn't do it. This went on for a few weeks. We would meet up and she would tell me about her getting beat everyday."

"Why didn't she tell Niall?" i asked interupting him.

"She said she didnt trust him enough and that she didn't want to mess up the relationship. I kinda just went with it, I didnt really think about it. Anyways, i wanted to end it. Kinda sad how i could stand up to a complete stranger but not my own father. So one day i followed her home after school. I wated around the corner for about 25 minutes then knocked on her door. Thankfully her mom answered. I asked if i could go and see Tracy. She let me in and took me to her room. Before i opened the door, i noticed it was cracked open. So i decided to just peek in. I never seen something so disturbing in my life. The first thing i saw as her walls. She had photos of plastered on them, and not just any photos, photos of me. All kinds of pictures, from school photos to baby pictures. Lucy, she even had pictures of me sleeping.

I dont even know how she got those. To say the least, i was terrified. Then I cracked the door open a little more. I saw her standing infront of her mirror with her top off. She was hitting herself. Punching herself in the stomach and pinching her skin, everywhere. She was beating herself, she even went as far as cutting her side. I quickly left, but before i left i stopped and asked her mom a question.

"Hows your boyfriend doing?" i asked. She looked at me confused.

"I;m sorry sweeties, i've been single for 2 years," she responded. I thanked her and left.

On my way home Tracy called me, she wanted to meet up. I went, just to see if she would come clean about what she was doing to herself. She didnt, she went on and on about how 'yesterdays' beating was extra bad and how he even raped her and that really pissed my off. My sister was actually going threw this and she was just making it up so i could feel sorry for her or so she could spend time with me. I dont know which one it was. So i told her about what i saw. She denied it then she tried to kiss me. I pushed heraway and ran home, on my way home she threatened me. She said she was going to make me look bad and ruin my reputation. I ignored it and went home-"

"then why di you call her and ask to meet up with her?" I asked cutting him off once agin.

"Well, if you would have let me finish, i would have gotten to that part. I was thinking about the whole situation and thoguht maybe i could get her to admit her craziness. So i called her and told her to meet me, using a bit of charm to garuntee she would go. I think you know the rest. Niall picked up the phone, I guess she told him i was the one that beat her. Which was total shit, absoluteley horse shit! He didnt believe me, he still doesn;t. They kept dating until she moved back to the states. I eventually meet Liam and Harry, they became my closest friends, but not as close as me and Niall was. We kinda became sworn enemies. I hated, and still hate him, for not believing me and choosing his crazy girlfriend over his best friend. I'm surprised he told you, i guess he wants you himself, he finished scoffing.

"Do you really expect me to believe that? That a girl obbssesed over you and hurt herself everyday so she could be with you? That's utter bullshit ! That's the most ridiculous thing i ever heard," I said looking away from his hard blue eyes.

"Are you fucking kidding me Lucy? See people like you are the reason i dont trsust anyone, why i dont open up to people. I can't believe i gave you a chance, you deserved to get your ass jumped!" he said standing from my bed. Tears were at the brim of my eyes, but irefused to let them escape. I grabbed my crutches adn stood up. I hated how much shorter i was compared to him.

"Fuck you Louis. I hate you, just leave me alone and dont ever come back ! You were such a waste of time. And dont you dare tell me i desereved to get beatened, i did nothing wrong, you asshole ! Woman Beater !" i screamed in his face.

Louis POV-

I was taken back by her words, we were arguing as if we were dating for months.

"You cant even take resposiblity for what you did," she said moving closer to me, he crutch slipped and she fell down. I reached my hand out to her out of instinct.

"Dont fucking touch me!" she hissed in my face." Dad !" she called.

"Swettie, what happened?!" he asked picking her up from the wooden floor.

"I slipped," She answered. He placed her on her bed and left the room. He soon returned witha few pills. She swallowed them with ease.

"You can go," she said lloking directly at me. I huffed and left the room. As i walked to my car i bumped into a body.

"Watch where the fuck your going," i mumbled even thought it was my fault.

"Louis?" the body asked. I looked up and my eyes widened with horror.



AWWWWWWWWWWW Shyt. Do you belive Niall or Louis ? Predictions? 15 votes for the next chapter c:. Read. Vote. Comment.


*I'm also working on some onther stories ! So i would love it if you read them. ! Just comment if you did, maybe for a dedication and Follow back c; *

P.S. That's Tracy on the side

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