001 (p.r) - lunch room

23 1 39

The lunch table seemed to be his only spot of happiness the past few days. Considering they had a large amount of prisoners come in all at once, the prison was still having a hard time getting every-thing together. This meant that none of the new-comers had their jobs yet, or a routine whatsoever. It was sitting in your cell, getting out for an hour to eat lunch, and back to your cell.

The lunch period was extended until they had duties and jobs ready, since the administration for the prison had complained to the general that it was inhumane to lock all of them in a cell for 23 hours a day. He definitely agreed on that one.

Deon never thought he'd see the day where he'd want to work. Once everything was up and running, he wouldn't be spending as much time in that dreaded cell. It wasn't like he disliked his cell mate — no, not at all. In fact, Deon had quickly come to the realization he quite liked this Jeon kid. He was the same age, and came from the same city. That was enough similarities to have some sort of conversation when they first met. Despite it only being not even a month in, he felt a strong connection to Jeon. He had joked that it was the name similarity that brought them together. Now that he think about it, who's to say that isn't possible? Maybe if the kids name was fuckin', Chad, they wouldn't have gotten along so well.

The chatter of the lunch table brought him back to his thoughts. Ah, the lunch table.

Possibly the best and worst part of his prison stay so-far. How could he love it wholeheartedly when the food tasted like a steaming pile of shit? Always cold on the inside and burnt on the outside, chunks of items that definitely shouldn't be in your food. Oh, how he loved pulling long grey pieces of hair out of his mouth every couple minutes. Just fuck fishnets, huh?

He watched as the last of his new-found crew approached the table. Casey Lockwood. It was an odd experience, really. Before this whole ordeal he'd never given the kid a chance before judging him based on the few interactions he'd seen between him and Kai. Deon had come to learn that Casey wasn't that big of an asshole when he was around other people, maybe Kai just brought out the worst in him. He laughed to himself, thinking about how bad Kai and himself had fought in the past. Yeah, he totally gets it.

His smooth voice brought himself out of his thoughts, once again. "Romeo, oh, Romeo," he started, before dramatically plopping down right next to his cell mate. "where out thy' faggeo?"

Deon looked over his shoulder at Moka and saw that she was in the same position, head hunched down and hand over her mouth, holding back laughter.

"Oh, wait," he slowly drew his words out before twisting completely sideways in his seat, so he was facing Kai's side profile. A shit-eating grin grew across his face before he continued, "there he is! Oh my god! I'm so honored to meet you!"

Nobody outwardly laughed, well, except Pierce. Maybe because it really wasn't that funny. Maybe because everyone was scared to laugh at his joke, knowing how Kai would take it. Deon pondered this for a second, yeah, definitely the second one.

"That was a good one, Casey!" Pierce exclaimed, leaning over the table and doing their own version of a secret handshake. Caseys grin never faltered, just grew impossibly larger. "I know, right?"

Kai seemed unbothered. Wait, maybe completely bothered? Deon couldn't figure it out. For the last twenty minutes since lunch had started he hadn't mumbled a single word. He didn't eat either.

The plastic fork — plastic because nobody trusted the prisoners with metal — had been dragged and swirled around the food over and over, and over. Even though Deon was participating in conversation before his last friend arrived, he found himself trailing off and staring at the boy across from him.

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