Arthur is a Senpai

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Let's start this chapter out by iterating who my least favorite people in the world are.  Let's see.. hmm.. Kim Jung Un, the jerk who makes a mockery of running a country and keeping it's people safe.. Adolf Hitler.. somebody nearly as bad.. Zeus, the Whiniest King of all time..

Yeah, mostly the people I despise are World Leaders who overall did the job so wrong, they could be considered monsters through and through.. and speaking as a former King myself who believes the people always come first, it hits me right in the sore part of my heart.

Well this became the first day I ever hated a monster more than I hated jerk leaders who only cared for themselves.  The monster who killed my friend.

Well I'm getting ahead of myself.  At the moment, I still didn't know how much I'd come to despise Doctor Thorn.

I was following the Manna trail of Doctor Torn through the halls of the school .. until I finally got outside, at the back area behind the school overlooking the cliffside sea..

Nico and Bianca were standing there alone, facing me..

Immediately suspecting a trap, I exploded into my Servant form in a burst of light.. my Wind Sword erupting and billowing in my metal gauntlets. "Nico... Bianca... are you alright?.. Where's Thorn..?"

Bianca just stared at me, her eyes wide and fearful.

"Don't worry.. I'm not here to hurt you." I said carefully. "My name is Arturia Pendragon.. though you can call me Saber.. "

Bianca just continued to stare... and at that moment I realized. She wasn't scared of me.. she was trying to warn me..

"FOOOOOMMMM!!!" I whirled around just in time, using my wind blade to slash away several fast moving, powerful projectiles that had flown at me..

They were black spikes of some sort.. and I watched as those spikes exploded into the side of the building.. blasting a hole from the strength of it's impact..

Doctor Thorn was standing there, smiling.

"Doctor Thorn huh?" I said nodding at the spikes. "That name on purpose? Or just a little bit of irony when your mother named you?"

"Do not try and mock me King Arthur... King of Knights, Slayer of the Kraken... Daughter of Artemis.." said Thorn. 

"My.. if you want me to not mock you, at least start by not flattering me with so many titles." I said. 

"As if ALL those titles are honorable!" said Thorn with a sneer. "You are living proof now.. proof that Artemis has lost legitimacy as a Maiden Goddess.. She has broken her oath of chastity and sired you!!"

"She never made love to anybody to have me." I said. "That is nothing but heresay and rumor.. however, I hardly even care about that.." I said. "What I do care about is your unconditional surrender, lest you face my blade's wrath.."

"Your blade's WRATH?" Thorn said with a grin. "Surely you jest!!! I see no blade, I see only HOT AIR!!"

A blur moved behind Thorn and more powerful spikes moving at tremendous speeds flew at me.

"GO!!! HURRICANE!!!" I roared, swinging my wind blade down, and causing a massive cyclone to burst from my blade and smash away the dangerous attack.

"COOOOL!" Nico exclaimed. "How'd she DO that!?"

Thorn grimaced at me. "I see your power wasn't exaggerated."

"I'm holding back." I said honestly. "if you value your life, you will leave these children be."

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