Arthur Goes Dumpster Diving

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"Hmmm.." Grover muttered tapping his hoof as I watched him observe the large boar in interest.. 

"What is it?" I asked.

"The Calydonian boar..." said Grover. "You wouldn't say it's a carnivore right?"

"No, by any account this monster prefers mushrooms and vegetation." said Zoe as the boar grunted in a daze. "It did not come to us due to smelling Demigods. It sensed something else.."

"Yeah.." Grover muttered looking around. "No way a boar like this would make it's way this far north without some sort of compelling reason.."

I looked at Shirou, who looked back at me..

"Any idea what he's getting suspicious about?" Shirou muttered. 

"I have a hunch." I muttered back.  I explained briefly about Grover's Searcher's License to Shirou. 

"So wait.." said Shirou. "Grover.. do you think that some sort of Nature Magic.. magic possibly from this Pan guy attracted this boar here..?"

"He doesn't think, he KNOWS!" said Rin, speaking up. "I know a bit about Greek Monsters myself, they're all a part of mage studies, especially Chimeras cause besides Echidna, they are usually created through Mage Craft.. the smallest ones anyways.. don't ask me WHY they do it.. some mages are crazy experimenting weirdos... but yeah.. no way this beast of the Wild would come this far North for anything BUT the Wild.."

Grover sniffed the air. "Do.. any of you sense that?"

Everybody else excluding Zoe and Rin said "No.." even the slowly sobering Mordred, who was sitting down looking dazed and hung over.

Zoe and Rin however said "yes."

"Of course.. a Mage with as much magical potential as yourself would indeed know how to sense this energy." Zoe said, nodding to Rin.  "Very astute young mage. "

"Technically not young anymore.. Zeus's curse stagnated our aging until we freed ourselves and our immortality wore off a year ago." said Rin with a shrug. "Or maybe we ARE young since we never were able to mature..?"

"Do you think I'm young?" I asked.

"Well yes.."

"Then you're young." I said.

"Fair enough." said RIn. "But yeah! Elemency magic suggests that this tingle in the air... hmmm.."

Rin held a finger up to the sky and then put it in her mouth, as if tasting the aura.  "Yep..that's Nature Magic.. WILD nature magic at that.. mana that's not just untamed but filled with growth.. you don't see that type of magic anywhere anymore.. it's pretty ancient.."

"It's him.." whispered Grover. "it's Pan.

"He is close, I am in agreement with Grover." said Zoe.

Grover sighed longingly. "But, we can't stay to search... we're on a deadline here.."

"Whoa whoa.. who says we can't just stay a little to look around?" Shirou said.

"Our deadline is the Winter Solstice, and that is not a long ways away." said Mash. "We must continue on our way, and find some sort of transportation.."

"Which is why this boar is here!" Said Grover with sudden realization. "Guys!! This boar!! It wasn't a curse! It's a blessing!! Pan sent us a blessing!!"

"Wait.. what!?" Shirou stammered. "That thing nearly gored me and Mordred!!"

"It helped Mash unlock her Noble Phantasm!" said Bianca quickly.

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