3. Red bitch

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I make my way to a table with my tray of food. I choose a table near the far end of the hall which I think have some girls from my morning classes on. I walk closer and I can hear them sniggering.

"My daddy is a brain surgeon"
"I'm from London, I'm better than everyone else"
"Mummy and daddy have a big house and are rich"

I roll my eyes and carry on walking. I need to show I'm not afraid of bullying words. I put my tray down and sit across from them. I smile politely "My mummy and daddy worked hard for my big house and my expensive things" I stare at them.

They look down and eat so I do the same and sit in awkward silence well that didn't go well at all. "You know, no one likes a bitch" one with the red hair says at me.

"No you're right no one does" I glare back at her. She rolls her eyes and whispers something to her friends who all look at me. They get up and leave, leaving me sitting at the table on my own.

I finish my tasteless school food and take my tray to the rack to place it back for cleaning.

"Watch it" I hear from behind me and I feel a force hit my back which sends me flying to the floor my tray and rubbish flys with me and lands on the floor along with myself. I hear the whole hall erupt with laughter everyone pointing at the new girl on the floor. This is just great I could burst into tears right now.

"Miss Taylor! My office now!" I hear the loud voice of Mr Payne bellowing through the hall. The red haired girl walks past me and kicks my tray further away from me. I close my eyes and get composure before I sit up and gather the stuff on the floor and place it back on the tray and keep my head down as I walk out.

"Bitch" I hear a group of lads taunt me as I walk past. I make my way to the nearest toilets and close the lid and sit down. I pull out my phone from my bag and get my best friends name up on the screen Jessica.

Hey! How's everything at home? I miss everyone so much

I send.

I know she'll be walking to class now on her way to History with the girls. My phone vibrates straight away. I look down and read the message.

Hey everything is great! Obvs miss you though. Did you see on Facebook Ella and James are together?! Haha you should see them they are like lost puppies following each other around. Yawn...! You haven't missed much boring Monday morning lessons with Mr pig face lol!

I laugh at her text. I hear the first bell ring for afternoon lessons and a part of me wants to stay here but I know I need to show my face after lunch. I make my way though the hallways to find my next class.
I walk up to the door of my health class and enter mostly everyone is sitting down and only a few spare seats are free. I walk over to one of them and sit down not looking up at anyone.

"You alright?" I hear a whisper from next to me.

I look to my left and am greeted with bright eyes, brown messy hair and a genuine smile.

"I guess, first days are tough" I whisper back.

"Louis" he holds out his hand and I take it and we share a handshake. "Holly" I smile.

"Don't take no notice of them girls. They don't like change and they definitely don't like change that's beautiful and confident"

"Oh right" I look over to see them staring daggers at me.

"She's kind of a bitch" I look back at him.

He laughs out loud and my heart skips a beat watching his head tip back and his face light up. Gosh his smile is delicious.

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