Savior (Markus x reader)

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(I know that the picture isn't actually Markus but I meaaannn..high quality)
Ive had this done for a little while so I'm going to post this while I'm writing the other requests! It put a smile on my face when I read your guys's comments to my little A/N! You all are too sweet! I will be posting a small face reveal tomorrow or the next day after!(Probably a literal week after this chapter is posted xD) ♡♡
Summary: This is basically the beginning of Markus "rising to power". You're a gardner android, walking towards the store to gather items for your owner. You are attacked and saved by our boy Markus.


You walk over towards the small patch of lilies as you slowly pour water over their perfect pedals. You smile as the sun landed on each water drop that touched the soft white pedals.

Although you were quite happy with your position as a gardner android, you didn't like your owner too well.

It's not that she was too mean, but she would often criticize you and point out every flaw or everything you did wrong.

You place the watering can down and turn to pluck some weeds. As soon as you did, your thigh bumped into the watering can, sending down towards the floor.

"Oh, very well done you imbecile!!"

"I apoligize Ms. Gonan, I will fetch more water and clean this up."

You straightened yourself and went to leave the garden but a hand caught you before you left.

"No, I don't want you to do that. Go to the flower shop downtown and buy me some flowered tulips and some fertilizer. Make it quick."

She lets go of her grip on your arm as you nod and head out of the house.

You quickly spot the store in no time and grab the items you need. Walking up to the cash register, you notice a few people in front of you. Not minding the wait, you stand patiently. (Actually screaming tho) You looked around and noticed a man staring at you. As he notices you spotted him, he quickly hides behind a shelf. You shifted in your spot and turn around, not wanting to see him again.

As the last customer in front of you leaves, you walk to the cashier and place your items on the table.

"Please confirm your purchase."

Your LED turns yellow for a few seconds, as you pay, then goes back to its normal blue.

"Thank you, come again."

You pick up your items and left the store.

As you were walking down the empty streets of Detroit, you had a feeling in the back of your neck. (A DEVIANT IN MY CHRISTIAN  CHAPTER? *LE GASP*)

You turn your head and see a man following you, he looked like the man from the flower shop.

Quickening your pace, you try your best not to look behind you, in fear of him seeing you looking at him.

As you are sure you have outpaced him, you are shoved to the ground, your items spilling on the cement below you.

"Haha, whoops. Sorry, I didn't meaaannn to!"  (*Le sarcasm*)

You go to stand back up, but your shoved down again, this time even harder. You flip around and look up at  him, he is quite tall, has long black hair, and smells like garbage. You run to an alley way (how cliche) and trip. (Even more cliche) He follows and towers over you, smiling.

"Heh, your quite cute for a plastic piece of trash."

You skid to a wall, your back now against it.

"I may just have some fun with you."

He grabs you as you kick and fight, trying to break free. He raises his hand and slaps you. Although you don't feel pain, you stop moving, reacting to his hit.

He sits on top of your legs to keep you from moving them, you still try to break free but to no avail.

"Please dont.."

"Ohh, don't worry. I'll make it quick."

You shut your eyes as he starts to grab your sweater. You suddenly hear a THUNK, as the weight on your legs disappears.

You open your tearful eyes to see a man standing in front of you. He was a dark skinned android, had a blue and a green eye, and was holding a piece of plywood in his hands.

He looks down at you and tosses the wood, slowly bringing his hand towards you.

"Are you alright?"

You nod and take his hand, him pulling you up.

"Thank you."

He smiles at you as he gives the man one more stern look.

"We might want to head out of here before anyone spots us."

You agreed and followed your savior android.

"My name is Markus, and what's yours?"

"It's Y/N."

He smiles again.

"That's a lovely name. I'm sorry about your stuff.."

You look down at the tulips and dirt scattered across the Grey cement. You gave him a small smile.

"It's alright.."

"If you want, we can go back to the shop you got those at, and I can pay for some more?"


You couldnt think of anything to say so you just smile and nod at his kind gesture.

"That would be nice."

(886 worddsss!! Hope this was cute! Had to post a Markus Oneshot as I couldn't forget him!! I will post my face reveal thing vv soon!! Love you all!♡♡)

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