Massage (Connor x Reader)

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Thank you to SelaviWrites for requesting this! The basic summary is, the reader, or you, is stressed out and hates having to look up to see a person's face all the time. Although no one can tell, a certain android has his theories. As you two are talking he decides to try to relieve some of that stress. (Hopefully this is cute :3) (YOUR POV)

You push yourself away from your desk and stand up, heading for the breakroom. You just finished looking at a few files of a new homicide case you were assigned to. It's been stressful, especially since the victim was from somebody you used to know in highschool.

You enter the breakroom and head for the coffee machine, pouring yourself a cup. (If you don't like coffee then it can just be a drink of your choice) You rub your cheek and take a sip of the warm liquid, it sending a soothing feeling down your throat.

You smile and turn around to be met with a white chest. You slightly jump, almost dropping your coffee and look up. It was Connor.

"Jesus, almost made me have a heart attack."

"I do not think my presence alone could cause a heart attack, Y/N, but I apoligize."

You sigh as you hold in a laugh at his reply.

"Well, how are you and Hank?"

"Hank is his normal self, although a bit irritated this morning. I am normal just as always. How are you?"


You took a moment to get a pushing sigh out.

"okay, I guess. I'm just a little stressed and my ne-"

You were suddenly flipped around, and gently pushed into a chair, your back now facing Connor. Confused, you went to see what he was doing when warm hands began to gently massage your back. Your head drooped as you allowed the android to push and rub your back and neck.

"Connor..may I ask, why your massaging my back? Not that I'm complaining or anything!"

"Well, Y/N, I do believe the stress you've been going through has put un-needed pressure onto your back. That, and having to look up to talk to people can harm your neck and can bring you bad posture."

"Oh, well than-..Waitwaitwaittt, Connor, did you just call me short?"

"Although you are almost average height, you are smaller than the rest of your coworkers and it can cause strain and pain to your neck and back. Although I may add its..rather cute."

Although the last part was murmured, you could still hear it. You didn't know whether to be offended...or flattered. Blushing, you tried to focus on your drink, but everytime you tried, Connor would push his hands into your back bringing you back into reality.

You sink deeper into the chair as Connor continues to rub and massage your back. You had no idea if this was supposed to be in his programming, but at the moment, you didn't care.

As you were on the brim of falling asleep, Connor slowly removed his hands from your back. With a small huff, you got up and popped your neck and back, satisfied with how they now felt. You looked at Connor and smiled.

"Thank you, Connor. That was much needed."

"Anytime..Y/N, if you do continue to get pain in your neck from looking upwards or stress, I'll be right near Hank, where you can find me."

You nodded and started to head out of the breakroom, but turned around towards Connor and speed walked towards him.

"And for the record..-"

You start as you grab Connor by the tie and pulls him towards your face. He glances at your mouth for a split second as he tries to conduct what's going on. You smirk as you pull him closer to your face, your lips connecting into a chaste but warm kiss. He doesnt move at first but slowly starts kissing you back. You pull back as you let go of his tie, his mouth open agape.

"Being short is not that cute."

You give him a small wink as you leave the breakroom, leaving him there as he quickly fixes his tie, flustered and confused. He doesn't know why he has this feeling in his chest but he does know that he will be giving you massages more often.

(664 words!! Hoped you liked this and thank you again for requesting!!)

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