Scared (Ralph x Reader)

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This is one of my favorite characters in D:BH, Ralph is so adorable and just tries to hellppp. I lovehimsomuchheneedstobeprotected.
Summary: You were walking the streets of Detroit (how unoriginal) and ran into a drunken man. (Who I may add, is NOT Hank ;) ) He threatens you and you run away, only to find a house and hide. This is when you meet Ralphyboiooo, and he protects you. ;;)) Enjoy~♡ [[I'll get back to requests ASAAAPPP]] ( YOUR POV)

Warning: Mild Cussing

You take a deep breath as you walk out of the store, grocery bags in hand. Since your house wasn't far from the little shop, you decided to walk. You turn around a corner and notice a rather tall man walking towards you.

You knew he was drunk as he was tumbling over his feet and mumbling incoherent things. You feel a little awkward and try not to make eye contact as you continue walking home.

As you pass him he stops and starts following you. Not wanting to speak with him, you walk a little faster. And so does he. Your wrist is grabbed and you are met face-to-face with the stench of alcohol.

"HeY! Can't you *BURP* SpaRE..someOnE some MonEY for somme fooOood?"

You shake your hand out of his loose grip.

"I don't have any on me, s-sir.."

He looks down at your bags and then at you.

"Then HoW the FUCK get thOoose.?" (Don't know how to type drunkwbaidgaj)

You step back, him taking two steps closer.

"I used the rest of m-my money on th-these.."

You were shaking now, not sure what to do. Not sure what he was going to do.

He growled.

"Can't you see, I just need a-a-a LITTLE b--Bit..?"

"I really don't have any.."

He became really angry all of a sudden and went to grab you, but you stepped back. He pulled something out of his pocket, which make a clicking noise.

You glance down at his hand and see a switch blade.

Your heart drops as you run for it, dropping the grocery bags. (NOO THE FOOD) You didn't know where you were going, but you wanted out of there as fast as possible.

The man was quite quick for being drunk and you were sure you were dead as your legs began to tire.

You turn the corner and see a fence surrounding an old abondoned house. You quickly run up to it and climb it as fast as possible.

Right as you were about to reach the top, a hand grabbed your leg and began to pull you down. It was the man. You tried shaking him off but he gripped tighter and cut your leg with the knife. (Douche)

You yelped in pain and kicked him on his shoulder, him letting go of you and the knife.

You quickly hop over the fence and dart inside the house, hoping the man was too drunk to climb. You take a few shaky breaths and slide down the door as you try to calm down, looking at your surroundings.

The house was old and torn up, no doubt. But was still more comfortable than other places you've seen in Detroit. (BURRNN..sorry) You lay your head back against the door and shut your eyes.

You quickly open them as you hear a clink noise. You about scream when someone approaches you, holding a knife. It's face was badly damaged An android.

Detroit: Become Human | (x reader) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now