The over-whelming bond

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Their lively curly golden locks were tossed upon by the flowing zephyrs. 

They were enjoying their journey to the fullest,

When a sudden jolt made them rise from rest

The boatman seemed so petrified, 

when the boat suddenly tilted to one side. 

Shouting with utmost strength he said *Oh people, run for your lives*

*Oh you mortals, dive, go dive.*

It will not be late when the boat will be found at the bottom of the sea,

And you all will be ingurgitated by the gaping sea. 

Amongst the fuss created, there could be seen a girl, 

She did not care for her own life, just craved to save the life of her pearl.

Wasting no more time, she made her tender brother climb onto her back,

And gathering a great deal of courage, she closed her eyes tightly,

And jumped into the icy cold water body.

The biting cold made her mad with pain,

Howbeit, her indomitable will had made her sane. 

Fighting against the herculean tides,

She drowned a little, swam a little.

She tried her best to keep her brother’s head above water,

So lucky the boy was to be gifted with such a sister.

It took the girl, two days, to reach ashore,

And when she did, it began to pour. 

But yes, she succeeded, she made her brother thrive. 

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