The common man

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He toils all day, He toils all night,

Still he is unable to set things right,

Wondering if his problems would ever abate,

He stood there, Blaming his fate. 

He fakes a smile, wherever he goes,

Brooding over how many challenges life will pose.

Determination, skill and sincerity he has got,

Now patience is only what he has lost.

He yearns to see his children happy once again,

But all his endeavors go in vain. 

He cajoles himself to rise from the undying depression,

He feels that he is going on sinking into the pit of desolation.

One fine day, the family members seemed so petrified,

when they could not find the man anywhere. 

On entering his room, they found a note,

It was not late when they realized it was suicide note. 

*I am sorry for not living up to your expectations, 

I am sorry for all the complications.

I swear, I did not want to do this to you all,

I had no control over the circumstances after all.

But I promise to you guys,

That problems in your life will mo more arise.

Because I am going,

Going far away from you all.

You will never get to see my luckless face again,

The face which has given you all, nothing but pain.

I realized that I am the biggest loser ever,

I could not even give ordinary pleasures of life to your mother.

No more you will have to live in regressions,

Tearing of the forgoing pages ,begin to write a new chapter to your book of delectation.

I will end this note,

no more wasting your time.

I will love you till infinity and beyond.

Wishing you a happy and lucky life ahead. 


Your loving father.

Tears rolled down from his wife’s eyes,

When their five year old child asked,

*why did father die?*

She replied *Because life is unfair* and heaved a sigh. 

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