Going away.

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The thought made me shudder a little; 

I lay on my bed, without a ripple. 

The memories, the moments each of them are unforgettable, 

they are way too special, they are indelible. 

When I reach the new world, I want to dive into the merry times we all had spent together, 

Sit there and smile endlessly watching myself, arguing with my brother.

It seems to be as if the spell bounding picture of my life is being white washed by someone,

And as the white paint is being lifted, I run, I run. 

Oh mother, I urge you to make your love my strength,

Not my weakness.

It’s becoming harder to part from you all,

But I need to learn to get up on my own, when I fall.

The current undescribed feelings make me tear my hair in despair.

I don't know if I’d be able to row my boat, 

what will happen if I drown and not find a float.

So, will I drown?

Will I not be able to wear the crown?

The crown of success, efforts and hard work. 

A storm of thoughts had captivated my mind; 

It was not late when I gained a strength of some kind. 

Oh no! I cannot be disheartened by such petty things, I know myself to be bold and strong, 

I apprehended this, when It began to ring, the gong. 

Ding dong ding, 

You got to get up with zing. 

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