Mesmerizing enfance

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The restless girl could rant all day long;

her blabbering could prove right to be wrong.

The two-foot frame would shake with mirth, Hardly resting her feet on Earth.

The mischiefs she would play were incredibly incredible.

Her mother cajoled her to stay quiet for some time.

But the five year old girl proved to be droll, many-a-times.

At the end of the toilsome day, doing nothing

quite innocent, she looked, snoring and sleeping.

One fine day, she greeted me with a hey

Even before I could reply,

She said I want to fly.

Seeing the puzzled expression, she said I want to tell you what's on in my head.

*No more can I rant, No more can I blabber.

No more can I play those mischiefs and have fun.

I long to hear my mother scold when I was pampered by the old.

Gone are the times when we used to sit together, devising against my brother.

I have lost those moments, those special one...*

Complaining why she grew up, there she stood,

Missing her childhood.

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