East Coast 2

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"Why you looking like that, Nicole?" My mama asked, calling me by my middle name.

"Like what?" I fronted. I knew I had a mug plastered on my face.

"That. Like you mad. Wassup?" She sat down beside me.

"Man, I wanna be boo'd up on the 4th—But here I am, single and very pregnant." I patted my stomach and Aden kicked the shit out of me.

"Ow fuck—'Scuse my language mommy." I huffed, feeling the immediate mug.

"You wanna go to a fireworks show?" She asked.

"Ooou, yessss!" I cheered, smiling like a little kid.

"Alright, we'll go when I get off." She said, standing up. "If you want to, you could go get a lil outfit or something. I know you wanna look cute." She said, pulling out her phone.

"Aww, thank you mama." I said as she waved and shut the door. After taking a shower and putting on some decent clothes, I decided to go to Lenox mall. Halfway there, Taymor started blowing up my phone. I didn't answer until I actually got there.

"What?" I asked as I made my way into the mall.

"Where you at?"

"At the mall, why?"

"What you got planned for today?"

"Man Tay, what do you waaaannnt?" I whined, trying to figure out what store I could go in. I really need to be in a department store—maybe I could just find a cute sundress...

"I miss you." I took the phone away from my ear and mugged it.


"I wanna chill with you—seriously. No funny shit." I was quiet as I went in the store.

"Oh really?" I asked in a flat tone.

"Yeah. So wassup? Lemme pull up." I sighed heavily and closed my eyes. I sent him my location and told him to call me when he got here. Being that he was only a couple minutes away, he got to me quickly. For a while, he was just quiet.

"Whatchu looking for?" He asked. I looked up.

"A cute dress that I can fit. Mama's taking me to a fireworks show." I tell him, going back to looking. He stepped behind me, and I shivered out of reflex as his fingertips grazed my neck area. I felt a tug at my collar, then he stopped. He said nothing as he walked off.

"Where you going?"

"Imma help you find one." He said simply, walking away. I raised an eyebrow, but went back to looking. Eventually, I gave up on the store. I walked over to him, and he had dresses stacked on his arm. And they were so...pretty...

"Oooou, lemme see!" I smiled, grabbing some off.

"Oh my gosh, I can't even pick!" I say, looking at the dresses. He started walking away, making me suck my teeth and going behind him.

"Dudeeeee I wasn't done! Annoying ass." I give him a look as he approaches the register.

"Noooo, you not buying these." I try to tell him as he sets the dresses on the counter and proceeded to take the other two out of my hand. I watched as he paid.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do that." I tell him, reaching for the bag.

"I'll hold it." He said, pulling the bag back a little. "You going in another store?" I shook my head.

"My feet are starting to swell. I'm just gonna go home and relax until I go out again." I tell him.

"You want something to eat?"

"I'm good." I say. He followed me to my car and put the bags in my trunk. "Thanks."

"You good. Can I come over?"

"Um I guess...I owe you that much. I'll probably beat you there."

"Wanna bet?"

"No, the police hot up here—and what you look like racing a pregnant lady?"

"You right. I guess I should respect that you scary."

"Scary? Nigga please, ian scared of shit but God."

"Race me then."

"Nope, bye." I wave him off, getting in my car.

So boom, we had a complete change of plans.

My mama doesn't get off until after the firework show ends, so I was disappointed. Until, Iyana texted me that her family was having a cook out. Since Tay wanted to cHiLl with me today, he was there with me. I slapped his hand away from my stomach.

"I'm trying to eat!" I buck at him because he was getting in my way and Aden was already going buck wild.

"Okay, Damn." He mumbled, sitting back.

"Biiitcch, I couldn't imagine how you feel." Iyana said.

"Why?" I asked, putting a hand in front of my mouth.

"You look like you about to pop—but you're sooooo cute!" She cooed, making me roll my eyes.

"Girl, whatever."

"You areee! Ain't she?" She asked Tay, despite the dirty looks she was giving him earlier.

"She is." He smiled.

"Sap fucker." I teased, reaching for my drink. I looked over when his phone started flashing for like the 6th time. None of my business. He sees me looking and picks up him phone.

"Ain't nobody." He mumbled. I didn't respond. I grabbed my phone when Terry started FaceTiming me.

"Yeooo?" I throw up a peace sign.

"Wassup with you?"

"I'm at Iyana's family cookout."

"Oh shit, ask Iggy wassup with that?"

"She hear you."

"Hoe, stop calling me that! I'm finna send your stupid ass the addy. You better step quick, niggas eating by the pack!"

"Shid, I'm on the way." He said, putting me on pause for a couple of seconds. "Who that beside you, mamas?"

"Tay." He raised an eyebrow. "Imma talk to you when you get here."

"Bet, I'm finna pull up in bout ten minutes." When he got here, there was an unnecessary amount of pressure in the room. When Terry hugged me, Tay mumbled something, but we both ignored him.

"Are we going to the show, or what?" Iyana asked.

"I wanna go, y'all going?"

"Whatever makes you happy." Terry shrugged.

"I can handle that." Tay says, making the whole room silent.

"Nigga, who asked you?"

"Yeen have to ask."

"Yeah aight, irrelevant ass nigga."

"You the irrelevant one, bitch. You still hanging 'round my baby mama knowing the baby ain't yours." Terry stood up.

"Nigga, why do that matter to you?" Tay stood up and so did I.

"Unt uh, see, y'all either gotta box this shit out or suck it the fuck up. Because y'all both gonna be around me at the end of the day." I felt my face get hot.

"I wish y'all would just grow the fuck up." I say, shaking my head and walking out. I didn't want them to see me cry, stupid hormones.


Happy 4th of July ig

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