East Coast 4

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"Come in." I told my dad. "Go see where the baby is. Look in the nursery." He nodded and got up, walking out of the room. My dad slowly made his way to my bedside, sitting the gift bag he had down.

"How you feel?"

"Tired." I chuckled, trying to be nice, even though I wasn't feeling this.

"I remember when yo mama had you, she slept for bout three days straight." He laughed.

"That sound like somethin' she do." I laid back, feeling drained.

"I never meant for shit to turn out like this." He told me. "I just wanted to make sure you was forever good, I just ain't know how."

"The way you went about it was completely wrong." I shrugged, being honest.

"Yeah." He said. "I still wanna be in your life, if you let me."

"I mean...yeah—of course I want you here." I sighed. "I want my child to have a grandfather." I shrugged. She smiled.

"You know Veronica had me a junior bout six months ago." He smiled.

"No, y'all don't tell me shit." I shrugged before it registered that I had a little brother.

"He with y'all?" He nodded, standing up.

"You can tell everybody else they can come in." He nodded again, walking out. When he went out, in came a nurse rolling the makeshift baby bed in, along with Tay following in.

She handed Aiden to me and I sat up and got ready to feed him. I looked up to see Tay staring at me and pulled my gown down a little subconsciously. He said nothing as he walked over and stared down at the baby.  Chuckling and sighing, I looked up as he rubbed his hand down his face.

"What?" I asked as he sat down and hung his head.

"We really out here with a son. Shit crazy." I looked at him with a straight face, blinked, then busted out laughing.

"Yeah, Tay. A whole son." I calmed down and shook my head as he scratched his neck, clearly embarrassed.

"I'm just glad that drama's over." He added.

"You started it." I told him, being petty. I wondered where everyone was after it got quiet for a minute.



"You think we still gotta chance?" I looked at him. "Ya know, to get back together?" He asked, making me bite my lip in nervousness.

"I don't—" I was cut off by a knock at the door. "Come in." I ditched my sentence and got ready for whoever was gonna come in.

"I brought the crew." Dad said as he stepped in before a line of people. I chuckled at Jen and Iyana as they stumbled in with hella balloons and a couple of blue gift bags. My mama and Terry were right behind them with a bag that was marked WAFFLE HOUSE. My daddy's rebound chick came in with a chunky little boy. He was so cute!

"Close the door behind you and bring my brother!" I cooed the last part and dismissed Vicky...or Veronica...

"Damn, you just finna shut out your best friends like that?" I heard a familiar voice and perked up. Before I could say anything, Zoe, Black, and Zay stepped in the room, all smiles.

"Yooooo!" I was so happy to see them. I hadn't seen Zoe since our freshman year of college, and I hadn't seen Zay and Black since I found out I was pregnant. Everybody kind of huddled around the bed, cooing and sighing about the baby being 'so cute' and stuff like that. I spaced out when they started talking, regaining my focus when I heard my mama start to speak.

"E? E, you hungry?" I shook my head at my mama.

"No, mama. Thank you." I didn't even notice everybody except Tay and her had stepped out, and the baby was gone too.

"How you feel?"

"Fine." I muttered, even though I was kind of worried. I thought I would be happier when Aiden came. I kinda just feel...nothing.

"Why didn't you go with the baby?" I asked Tay before mama could figure me out.

"I'm worried bout you." He said genuinely. I raised an eyebrow.


"You stared at the wall with the same expression for like ten minutes." He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I was kinda freaked. "You gotta tell us what's up." Mama looked between us, then nodded.

"Nothing. I'm just tired." I lied, closing my eyes. Hopefully, when I wake up I'll be okay.

I'll be okay.

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