Chapter 5

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Mizuki's pov:

It had been hours since I had started treating Kankuro. Sweat was running down my face and my breathing had become labored. Next to me was a bucket filled with the vile poison. It had been a tedious work to get it all out, but I managed. Never in my life had I worked on a patient for so long on my own. But my hard work payed off. Kankuro's breathing, in contrast to mine, had become calm. All that was left was for him to wake up.

I sighed softly, wiping the sweat from my forehead. I walked to the dooropening, knowing Temari and my team would be anxiously waiting for any news.

"It's done" I smiled tiredly "I've extracted all the poison."

Temari slid down the wall in relief, tension finally washing off. Naruto grinned and ran into the room to go and see for himself. Kakashi stood up and placed a hand on my head.

"You did great, Mizuki."

A warm feeling filled my chest at his praise. Oh how I had missed him for the past years.

"I do however need to make an antidote to counter the small amounts of poison that are left in his body."

"If there's anything you need, feel free to ask."

I smiled gratefully at the kind medic.

"I'll need a list of all the medicinal herbs available in the village."

"Right away"

"And I need you to change his bandages and give him an IV drip. Gather the poison I extracted, I will need it later on."

I barely notice Kakashi and Naruto leaving the room.

The old lady who had attacked Kakashi turned entered the room.

"There's only one person I know who's that adept with poisons. Did you possibly study under Tsunade?"

I chuckled softly.

"No, no I studied under a way greater master. I'm afraid you wouldn't know her though."

The great Wendy

"Here's a list of the medicinal herbs in the village."

I gratefully accepted the list and scanned through the various herbs.

"Kankuro is awake!"

I whirled around and stared at an awakening and slightly dazed Kankuro. Naruto skidded into the room grinning, Kakashi slowly walking behind him. Temari sprung up and ran to his bed.

"Are you okay?"

Kankuro's gaze slowly shifts towards his sister.

"Oh you're already home?"

"I came as soon as I heard."

I patted Kankuro on the shoulder softly.

"Good to have you back. I'll be working on that antidote now."

A suna medic led me to their greenhouse.

The sand village has a surprising amount of medicinal plants. In the middle of the big greenhouse was a table with all kinds of vials and bowls where I could work. I immediately scanned the place for a certain plant that might be a suitable ingredient for the antidote.

I grabbed the small green plant with star-shaped leafs and carefully pulled it out of the dirt. I cut off the roots and immediately went to work on crushing them in a small round bowl.

"How many of these plants do you have available?"

The man thought for a bit. "We have about five of them in the greenhouse here. The plant is difficult to grow in this climate."

I bit my lip.

"I should be able to make three antidotes with that amount."


Late in the night me and the suna medic that had been operating as my assistant finally managed to get a working antidote. We swiftly divided the antidote over three vials and rushed to the hospital.

I smiled at Kankuro as we entered the room.

"We did it! We got an antidote. About time too, you look like shit." I chuckled.

He let out a dry laugh.

"You don't look much better."

He was right, I had gotten a glimpse at my appearance as we walked past a mirror in the hall. My hair was disheveled, half of it had come loose from the pony tail. My eyes had dark circles under them and my skin was pale. I looked like a ghost.

I motioned for my 'assistant' to help me get Kankuro in an upright position. I helped him drink the antidote from one of the vials. He pulled a face at the bitter taste but managed to drink it all.

"Now, remember to get enough rest."

I turned around as I felt someone tapping my shoulder. A suna nin thanked me and told me and Naruto, who I just now noticed was in the room, to get some rest ourselves.

"But we've gotta hurry and save Gaara and-" Naruto sputtered.

"We'll rest."

I turned around to see Kakashi strolling into the room.

"We'll need our full strength for this afterall."

"P-please." A tired Kankuro reached his arm out to Naruto "Save my little brother."

Naruto gave him a grin.

"Leave it to me. Since I'll become Hokage further down the line, I might as well indebt the kazekage a bit."

"Yeah, we'll get Gaara back." I chimed in.

"Yes, yes but you need rest first Mizuki. You've worked hard and you'll need energy tomorrow."

I nodded at Kakashi, eyes already falling close. The last thing I felt were arms wrapping around me as my legs gave out and a chuckle reverberating in Kakashi's chest.

"I missed you Mizuki."


I'm baaack people

It's been an awful while since my last update for this story but here is the new chap^^

I hope you all enjoyed it

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