Two | Anne and Gilbert

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It was the first day of school and Mr. Phillips couldn't fathom why his students seemed so excited. They were always annoying, especially on the first day, but that morning they all seemed unnecessarily loud, and chattery.

As soon as Anne and Diana entered the school yard that dewy morning, the other girls came flocking to meet them.

"Anne, is it true Gilbert is coming back to school?" asked Ruby as they went to put their milk jars in the stream.

"That's what everyone in town has been saying," said Josie.

"That's what he told me," said Anne, who felt rather disconcerted by the fact that the other girls seemed to deem her an expert on Gilbert Blythe.

"Will he be here today?" asked Ruby, her voice raising in pitch.

Anne shrugged as if she didn't care. "I would assume so since that's what he said."

Anne had seen Gilbert a several times since the incident on The Lake of Shining Waters, but it was only in passing and she could help but feel inexplicably nervous to see him that day.

"What am I going to say?" squeaked Ruby.

"Why don't you ask Anne," said Josie. "She's the one with the big words."

"You might make that sound like an insult, Josie," said Anne, "but I take it as a compliment." Anne turned to Ruby and smiled. She linked arms with the pink adorned girl. "Let's go inside and we'll think of something lovely you can say to Gilbert."

However it began to seem unlikely Gilbert would make an appearance at all. By the time Mr. Phillips rang the bell and the students scrambled into their seats, he still hadn't shown up.

Ruby was heart broken and, though she'd never admit it to anyone, Anne struggled to resist glancing repeatedly over her shoulder at the door.

Their first lesson had just begun when there was a clatter in the mud room and a voice said, "Sorry I'm late."

In unison, the whole classroom looked around to see Gilbert Blythe standing there in a navy blue sweater and his school books slung over his shoulder.

Anne was struck by how much older the boy looked. It really hadn't registers when she'd seen him on the lake, but now that she saw him standing in the school room, the place she'd seen him the most before he left Avonlea, she realizes how grown up and mature he looked now. It made her feel rather shy.

There was a clatter and Anne looked around in surprise to see almost the entire classroom jumping to their feet and rushing to greet the boy. Most of the school looked up to him, and his courageous travels had made him into a hero in their eyes. No Avonlea student had ever gone off on such a daring endeavor.

Anne was one of the few students who remained sitting. The others included Billy Andrews, his two friends, and some of the younger kids, including Charlie's shy little sister, Carrie.

After Diana said hello to Gilbert, she came hurrying back to Anne. "Aren't you going to come say hello?" asked Diana.

Anne hesitated then shook her head. "I've already seen him since he returned."

Before Diana could change Anne's mind, Mr. Phillips barked, "Everyone settle down!"

The students quickly went back to their seats (Ruby was so transfixed by Gilbert she had to be dragged back by Josie) with the exception of Charlie who remained by his best friends side.

"Blythe. Good to see you back," said Mr. Phillips in a rare display of genuine pleasantness. "Please take your seat."

"Good to see you as well, sir," said Gilbert politely.

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