Eight | Cake And Carrie

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The predicament was that there were only three empty seats left at the table, and they were separated from each other. After casting Anne a woeful look, Diana took the seat next to Josie, thinking she'd be doing Anne and Carrie a favor, completely oblivious to the additional situation this created.

There were two empty seats, one between Sam and Jane, and the other between Gilbert and Moody. Anne's initial instinct was to seize the seat between Sam and Jane so she wouldn't have to sit next to Gilbert, but then Anne recalled Carrie and her fear of the older boys.

Anne looked down at Carrie, and saw by the girls wide eyes and the chewing of nails, that Carrie had realized the situation as well.

Despite the bruising this would 'cause her pride, Anne knew she could not force Carrie to next to the older boys she so feared.

It seemed this party was determined to make her and Gilbert interact.

"Carrie," said Anne with a kind but strained smile. "Why don't you go sit with Sam and Jane?" Carrie eagerly scurried away.

Head held high, Anne walked over to the seat. Gilbert looked up at her as she approached. For a second he considered hopping to his feet and pulling the chair out for her like a gentleman should, but he realized just in time that Anne would not appreciate such an act — not if it was coming from him at least

Gracefully, and some what haughtily, Anne took the seat and neatly folded her hands in her lap, not looking at Gilbert the whole time.

Even with his distracting presence beside her, Anne was unable to ignore the lovely thing which was waiting on the side of each of their plates — oranges! Anne had never tasted an orange in her whole life but Diana, who had, said they were a most delectable thing. Anne wanted to snatch it up and eat it right then, but she knew it wouldn't be polite.

Supper was an uncomfortable affair. There wasn't much room at the dining table, especially as Charlie's siblings (In addition to Carrie and Sam was their little brother Tommy) were there as well. Once Anne and Gilbert knocked elbows. Anne shot him a look. After that Gilbert was so careful not to hit the girl that he repeatedly elbowed Charlie, much to the birthday boy's annoyance.

Throughout dinner, during which Anne attempted equally to not touch Gilbert, Anne eyed the oranges which had been put to the side. She couldn't have cared less about the dinner; she just wanted to try an orange.

Carrie as well seemed uncomfortable and  looked very frightened all through her portion of supper. She barely ate and kept glancing nervously at everyone at the table. When one of the older boys asked her to pass the salt, she gave a frightened squeak, jumped to her feet and scurried out of the kitchen.

"Don't mind her," said Charlie. "She's scared of everything."

After dinner, they had cake. A lovely yellow cake with fluffy frosting. Anne almost clapped her hands together when she saw Sam Sloane break his orange in half, take a bite of his orange, and then a bite of cake.

Sensing Anne's excitement, Gilbert looked over at her and smiled. Anne was too excited about the orange to notice.

Anne seized up the fruit, but, never having eaten an orange before, became rather baffled by the peel.

After a moment of struggling to peel it with her fingers, Gilbert said, "here, would you like me too—"

He reached toward the orange but Anne leaned away, so she was pressed backwards against the person in the other seat beside her (Moody).

"No thank you, Gilbert," said Anne stiffly. "I am perfectly capable of peeling an orange on my own."

Eager to prove herself, Anne rashly split the orange in half. Juices squirted out of it — and right on to Gilbert's shirt.

The whole table gasped (none louder than Ruby) and stared at what Anne had done.

Anne gaped at what she has done. Tremulously, she lifted her eyes to meet Gilbert's gaze. He was looking down at his shirt in surprise.

"Gilbert, I am very sorry," said Anne, eyes wide.

Gilbert looked up at her and shook his head. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

Anne jumped to her feet. "I'll get you something to clean it."

"Anne, really —" but she'd already shot off into the kitchen.

Hastily Gilbert got to his feet, bumping the table with his knee as he stood. He hurried after Anne.

Everyone watched him go.

Anne got a damp dish cloth from Mrs. Sloane. She turned to leave the kitchen, and found Gilbert in the doorway.

"Oh. Here." Blushing profusely, Anne handed Gilbert the dish cloth.

"Thank you." There hands brushed as Gilbert took it from her. He dabbed at the orange stain on his shirt.

Anne remained awkwardly where she was. She wanted to go around Gilbert and back into the dining room, but he was standing right in the doorway so that would require actually speaking to him.

"I don't think it's customary for opposing sides to help the other during a war," said Gilbert.

Anne stared. "War?"

"Well, seeing as we broke our truce, I assume that's what happening," said Gilbert with a grim smile.

"Not a war," mumbled Anne, looking at her feet.

"Then what is it?" asked Gilbert.

Anne could hear the hurt in the boys voice and it twisted her similar string around till it stung.

Anne looked up at Gilbert and met his intent, searching gaze.


At that moment, Sam pushed by Gilbert into the kitchen.

"Mother? Where is Carrie?" He asked.

It was then established that Carrie was missing. The party was put on hold while they went out into the yard to search for Carrie. It was getting quite late and things were turning from a every bluish evening light into dark. The boys checked the barn, and the outskirts of the yard, and the girls searched all over the house, but the young girl was no where to be found.

"When did everyone see her last?" asked Anne, remaining calm even under the stress.

"When she ran away from dinner," said Diana.

"She's scared of the boys, she must have been so overcome by shyness that she ran away," said Anne. "But where would she go?"

Abandoning the cluster of woman in the kitchen, Anne grabbed her jacket, lit a lantern, then went out the door without a word to anyone.

Gilbert was outside the Sloane's house with the other boys when Anne came tearing by, braids streaming behind you.

"Anne? Where are you going?" Gilbert asked, bewildered.

Anne didn't reply, just continued sprinting across the Sloane's yard. Gilbert didn't waste a moment, he went back into the Sloane's house. He stopped himself in the kitchen doorway by grabbing ahold of the door.

"Diana, where is Anne going?"

"Anne?" Diana looked around. "She's not here?"

That was all Gilbert needed to know. Pushing himself away from the door, he snatched his coat off the coat hooks, and went running out the door of the Sloane's house and after Anne.


I'm editing this at the beach, lol. The ocean is making me think of AWAE so much — which isn't a bad thing. Also, I'm SO shook by that new picture of Gilbert. It looks as if he's at school and I'm so happy!!! So I had to make a new cover using that pic. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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