Seven | drop the handkerchief

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Anne stared into her bedroom mirror with wide eyes

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Anne stared into her bedroom mirror with wide eyes. In only a few minutes Diana would be arriving and together they would be walking to Charlie Sloane's sixteenth birthday party. Though she looked neat and clean in her blue school dress, apron and the ribbon Marilla had given her tying back her braids, Anne's face was rather peeked behind its field of freckles.

Her hands were folded and pressed to her stomach. She was feeling queasy again.

It was true she'd faced Gilbert many times in school since she'd broke off the truce, but this was going to be different.

"I don't know if I can do this," Anne whispered to herself. A voice in her head whispered back of course you can! Gilbert Blythe is just a silly boy! You have encountered far worse.

"That's true," said Anne. She perked up and forced herself to smile. "I have. And what have I always done in unpleasant situations? I used the imagination I was gifted with to my greatest advantage."

Abandoning the mirror, Anne fled to the window and draped herself in the curtain as if it were fine silk.

"I am Lady Valentina, attending a ball, preparing to face a long row of scorned lovers!"

Anne hurried over to andsat on her bed and held up her foot. "As Lady Valentina's servants ready her for the ball ahead, she can not help them but confess all her troubles. 'I do feel terrible, Maud, having to face all these heartbroken lovers, but it isn't my fault they can't resist my coils of chestnut locks, alabaster brow and —"

"Alabaster brow, you say?"

Anne jumped and looked around.

Marilla was standing in the doorway with a half exasperated, half amused expression on her face.

"Oh, Marilla!" Anne gave an embarrassed laugh. "I was just imagining I was Lady Valentina —"

"Never mind that," interrupted Marilla. "Diana is waiting down stairs for you!"

Anne's expression became anxious. "Is it that time already?"

"Yes. I dare say you were too busy being Lady Valentine to notice," said Marilla, as dryly as ever. "Now hurry along. Don't keep Diana waiting."

Anne was rather slow in getting up off her bed and going downstairs. She greeted Diana as warmly as ever once downstairs, then once hat and coat were dawned, the two girls set out into the autumn day.

"Do you know who else will be there?" asked Anne as they walked the Green Gables drive.

"Well I heard Charlie's mother sent out the invitations so all the children in our class were invited," said Diana. "I think Billy has the sense to know he's not wanted especially since —" Diana stopped and glanced a furtive and concerned look Anne's way.

"Especially since Gilbert will be there," Anne heavily finished Diana's sentence.

"Well, yes." Diana hurried on, "But there will be lots of others there as well! Jane will be there, Ruby, Tillie —"

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