Chapter 1

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Eliot pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed after one of the women he was interviewing left. She was showing too much cleavage, trying to seduce him. She wasn't his type and he needed someone who would get the job done. He then called the next one. She was different than the rest. She wore a knee length baby pink skirt, a white blouse, and black kitten heals. Her blonde hair was in a high ponytail with a sparkly beret holding her bangs back.

"H-Hi I'm Alison Harding." She said handing him her resume. Her nails were done with baby pink French tips with a silver heart on the middle fingers. She sat on the edge of the chair nervously. He looked over her resume and nodded. She had a masters in business and a minor in accounting. He then looked her over, and a blush creeped up her cheeks. He smiled softly as he looked back down at the resume. She had worked for other places and all had given her great recommendations.

"Tell me about yourself." He said as he leaned back, placing her resume on the desk. "Well uh what do you want to know?" She asked nervously. He held in his groan as he hardened in his pants. She had beautiful pouty lips that he could see wrapped around his cock. "What do you like to do in your free time?" He asked her curiously. Her face became even redder, "I like to go to Satin or stay home and color."

He smiled at the mention of Sabrina's BDSM club all of the siblings enjoyed. She was perfect, he thought to himself. A kinky little kitten. He nodded, "I too, enjoy going to Satin." She looked at him shocked, but didn't say anything. "Tell me Alison, does your dominant know that if you work with me it will mean you have to travel." "I don't have a Dominant." She  said as she looked down. Even better, he thought.

"I want you here tomorrow morning at eight sharp." He told her. She smiled, "Thank you sir." She then left the office happily. He then pressed a button on his desk, the door locking. He pulled his hurting cock out of his pants. He closed his eyes as he imagined her naked with a tail butt plug and kitten ears on her head. Her pink collar with a silver bell. He could imagine what her mouth felt like on his cock, run her tongue over his head.

He groaned when he came in his hand. After cleaning up and fixing his pants he unlocked his door. A second later Sabel walked in, wearing her camos. Eliot stood up and hugged his brother to him. "I didn't know you were coming home." He said as he sat back down. Sabel nodded, "Yeah. No one does. My tour just ended." He sat down and Eliot could tell there was something wrong.

"What's wrong?" Eliot asked him. He ran a hand through his hair, "I wish I had listened to mom when I told them  I joined the Marines." They had all seen it coming from the way he admired the hogs tooth their mother had given him. She and him had gone off somewhere to talk. "She warned me that coming home will never be the same, that it would be something I couldn't let go." "What happened over there?" He asked him. Sabel shook his head, "Orders were given and people were lost." Was his only answer. "I'm not even allowed to fully talk about it, since it's classified." Eliot nodded in understanding. "How long are you home for?"

"My contract ended last weekend so I'm not stationed at home permanently." He said. Eliot smiled, "So once we inform our parents and mom goes overboard with cooking we should all go out for drinks." Sabel chuckled, "Satin?" Eliot smirked with a nod.

Eliot had texted all of his siblings to meet at their parents' house. Everyone was wondering why until Eliot came in with Sabel, "Look at what I found." Their mom leaped up from the couch and pulled Sabel to her, "My baby boy is home!" She had been so worried about him. "Can't breathe mom." Sabel said with a chuckle.

"I'm going to make your favorite." She declared then scurried off to the kitchen. Dad helped their father to stand from the couch and he grabbed his cane. Eliot could remember when they had the BDSM talk. Mom was sitting between them, her hands in her lap. They had asked them about the locked room in their bedroom and then told them about their lifestyle. They then thought about all the times mom and dad couldn't sit down right and the occasional looks they had given their father's cane. Sabrina had then made the declaration that she was never going to touch his cane again because it was obvious he had used it to spank their other two parents. Now though the kids were very comfortable with their parents living the BDSM lifestyle. Even they lived the BDSM lifestyle. Eliot preferred being a Daddy Dom with a Little submissive.

Cole hugged Sabel, "It's good to have you home son. I'm going to go help your mother." He left the living room to go to the kitchen. Sabel saved their father the trouble and went to him for a hug. "How was your deployment?" He asked him Sabel. Sabel sat next to him and he began to catch up with everyone.

After dinner the siblings gladly went to Satin, Eliot changing into his usual black leather pants that hung on his hips and hugged his ass. Each of the siblings had a private room in his sister's club for them to have fun in as well as change to the proper attire. It went to the large curved booth where the majority of his siblings were sitting. His eyes scanned the busy crowd looking for his innocent Personal Assistant.

"So how did the interviews go?" Sabrina asked him. Eliot smiled, "Horrible actually but I managed to find one through the sea of bimbos that swarmed in." "Was it that adorable girl that left your office that made you lock your doors after she left so you could jack off?" Sabel asked with a smirk. Eliot smirked, "Of course. She actually comes here sometimes." Sabrina straightened, "Wait really? What's her name?"

"Alison Harding." He answered. She smiled softly, "She is a sweetheart." Then she glared, "You hurt her, I'm mounting your balls to the wall as a trophy." Eliot held up his hands, "I don't plan on it." He then smirked, "Unless she asks me too."

She smiled, "From what I've heard, she will if you get that far." Eliot noticed a blonde woman in pink leather shorts, a pink lace collar, pink leather corset, and pink thigh highs. It was Alison. To top off the beautiful sight, she had pink cat ears on her head and a pink pacifier. His cock hardened in his pants. "She really is adorable." Micha said, a nod from Keith as he agrees.

Chloe threw down twenty dollars, "I give it a week before he claims her in his office." Sabel threw in twenty, "I say three days." Sabrina shook her head as she threw in her own twenty, "She'll push him away until she gives in a month from now." Micha scoffed, "Please he's too stubborn." He tossed in twenty, "I say two weeks." Keith rolled his eyes and put in twenty, "Two days before he kisses her, a week before he takes her to his playroom."

Eliot gathered the money, "All bets are in, if all of you lose it becomes mine." He tucked it into his pocket. They did this anytime another was into someone. The one they were betting on got to hold the cash to present to the winner. If none of the ones who bet won, the person they bet on got the cash. They've been doing it since highschool. They were fair and honest with their bets, never cheating each other. He had his own plans though. He will take his time, make her beg for it. Never would he do something she wasn't comfortable with. He couldn't wait to learn about what she was comfortable with. His throbbing cock protested though, wanting to feel her around him. All in good time.

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