Chapter 10

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Eliot sat on the couch of Sabel's apartment above the bar he was having renovated. Sabel sat a beer on the table in front of him. "I know it's not your favorite but I haven't had the chance to go to the store." Sabel sat down in a black leather recliner, "How is she doing?"

Eliot ran a hand through one hair while the other hand brought his beer up to his lips. "She's only sleeping because of the sleeping pills mom gave her." It had her so freaked out she went in to a panic attack. It made his heart hurt when he saw her like that. Chloe has taken over the case, going to use her profile expertise to help find the bastard and put him away. For good this time.

Sabel nodded, "What do you want to do?" Eliot sighed, "I don't know. She has already been having nightmares, this is just going to make them worse." Sabel sighed, hating he can't come up with something to help his brother out. "You both are more than welcome to stay here." Sabel offered. Eliot nodded, "Thanks man." Sabel nodded, "So out of all of your siblings, why me?" Eliot scoffed with a smirk, "Well Micha is dealing with his custody battle to get his son William from Saddie's evil claws, Sabrina is leaving for a book signing tomorrow, Chloe is doing the investigating, Keith has his exam for his culinary school this week, dad will try and shrink her head even if he doesn't mean to, mom would try and coddle her, while father will be giving her space to be with her thoughts." Sabel nodded, "Which is the last thing she needs."

Sabel opened the drawer in the coffee table, "I've got a cabin in Black Ridge Woods, the three of us can go there and lay low." He pulled out a map, "I go there when this place becomes to much." Eliot smirked, "How Gibbs of you." Referring to the Team Leader of NCIS who was a Marine and had a cabin in the middle of no where. Except his brother Sabel chooses to have a cabin in woods that are very wolf populated. Sabel rolled his eyes, "Getting away from the modern world can be very relaxing...........and very romantic." He suggested at the end. Eliot scoffed, "Not very romantic with my brother there."

Sabel chuckled and nodded, "Good point. You say the word and I'll disappear for a day." Eliot chuckled and shook his head. Getting out of the city though did seem like a good idea, get away from this and just let her have some peace. Eliot nodded, "Seems like a good idea." Sabel nodded, "Tomorrow while you're at work making preparations for your absence, Alison and I will go out and get all of the supplies we'll need, who knows how long we'll be there." Eliot nodded, "Sounds like a plan."

They then began making calls to their siblings and parents where they'll be going. Their parents thought it was a great idea, hoping that by the time they come back this sick bastard will be behind bars once more. The other siblings wished them luck. After ending the call with Keith Eliot went to go check on Alison. She was curled up in bed, shivering and mumbling in her sleep. He went to move her hair from her face, but she jolted awake, crying. He pulled her into his arms. "Shhhh, I've got you Kitten." He assured her. "I'm so scared Daddy." She said, her voice so broken. "You, Sabel, and I are going to get out of the city for a little bit. We're going to go on a camping trip, try and get away from it all for a little while." She nodded, "Okay." He wiped the tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry he got close to you Kitten."

She rested her head on his shoulder, "It's not your fault Daddy. He is scared of you, it's why he waited till we were gone." She sniffled. He kissed her forehead, he hopes she was right. "Come on, let's get you in the shower while I change the sheets." She and the sheets were soaked in sweat. He hated her being so scared. He wanted to give her a peace of mind.She nodded and went to the bathroom while he changed the sheets. He wanted her nightmares to end, but he knew they wouldn't until after he was put away.

After her shower she put on one of his shirts. She saw a photo on the nightstand. She recognized Eliot's siblings, parents and grandmother, but everyone else she didn't know. There were nearly thirty people in the photo. Eliot wrapped his arms around her waist, "My dad had nine other siblings and all but one got married and had kids. We're all a very close family, my cousins just are just as close as my siblings and I are." Eliot chuckled softly, "When we got together we always created trouble. One time Sabel, Micha, Garret, Wendy, and I broke into my parents liquor cabinets then went to the lake. We got so waisted we weren't able to run from the cops because we couldn't see straight. Luckily though it was Francis, my mom's old partner when she was a detective, had found us and just took us home. My father told my football coach and man he forced me to run five miles while hungover." Eliot chuckled. Then he began to wonder something.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened after your parents' deaths? Where did you go?" He asked her softly. "Well my mom came from a large family. A large, weird family actually. She was the youngest of six sisters and seven brothers. Her parents had been together since they were thirteen, having connected over their love for the paranormal." She ran a hand through her hair, "Everyone but my mom shared my grandparents habits, one of her sisters even became a fortune teller. When my mom turned eighteen and she moved out she cut all ties with them. After my parents died my grandparents took me in. Growing up around them, I couldn't understand why she cut ties with them. Yeah they're beyond strange but it's usually the ones from strange families that are made up of good people. They even encouraged me embrace my little side." She smiled softly, "It's been a couple of years since I've seen or talked to them. I think our two large families would get along."

Eliot kissed her cheek, "I think so too. So where is your family at now?" She shrugged, "All over the world. Many of them go on exciting adventures but my grandparents own a magic shop in New Orleans. They've met a lot of interesting people there." "Yet you wanted a simple life." Eliot chuckled. She nodded with a smile, "Yeah, I'm not to fond of going into haunted houses to look for ghosts."

He chuckled, "Thank god for that. Now let's go to bed." She nodded, "Okay."

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