Chapter 11

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"Think going camping will keep me away from you, my Princess." Albert Jacobson said as he watched them get in the truck and pull out. Her pale, delicate, skin would look beautiful as blood trails down her body. Now that she was in her womanhood she was even more appealing than she was as a child. He licked his lips, as he hardened in his pants. He leaned back in is chair, freeing his hard cock. He gripped it as he closed his eyes, imagining her pinned beneath him, his knife trailing down the valley of her breasts, blood pooling between them. He could hear the screams as she pleaded for him to let her go. Her cries as he takes one of her blood covered nipples into his mouth.

He moaned as he quickened his movements. He imagined her fighting as he forced himself inside her. He could feel her hands hitting his chest as she tried to fight. He could hear her precious boyfriend begging for him to leave her alone. Then as he climaxed he would take his knife across her throat, drawing blood, ending her life.

He came all over his hand, but it wasn't enough. He needed his fantasy to become a reality. He began to follow the truck, at a safe distance. He would take back roads since their nosey sister was tracking him, but he didn't know where they were going. Sabel was a closed book compared to his siblings, the Marines made him more cautious which was why Eliot went to him.

He gripped the steering wheel. He thought back to the night he killed her parents. Her mother was beautiful, her plump lips, gentle laugh, and soft skin. Her daughter is the spitting image of her but she was much more innocent than her mother was. It's what made Alison so much better than her mother. He pulled up at the woods they had turned into. These woods were filled with wolves, and other dangerous animals, and tonight he will also be part of the predators.

He got out and began walking through the trees, trying to find where Sabel has his cabin. Knowing the Marine, it's deep within the woods. He kept finding different roads and paths they could've taken, always having to take the one with the freshest tire tracks. He was going to enjoy killing the Marine for making him hike this far. He stopped to rest on a fallen tree, catching his breath. He wasn't as young as he once was so it wasn't easy to hunt his prey, but he will have her tonight. Thoughts of what he couldn't wait to do to her coursed through his mind, making him hard once more. He wondered how good would she feel now that she was grown. He was tempted to keep her a live for him to use multiple times. But he also wanted to kill her. Needed to kill her. She needed to feel what her parents felt that night he killed them. Today was the anniversary of the night he killed them, the anniversary of the first time he took Alison.

This would be one hell of an anniversary for them.

Sabel nodded then hung up the phone. "Everything okay?" Eliot asked him, keeping his voice low since his Kitten was in the other room. "Chloe just found the bastard's car on the edge of the woods." Sabel whispered. "It's cold, meaning he showed up shortly after we did." Sabel looked out the window at the woods. The sun was setting, meaning it would be dark soon. "The bastard is out there somewhere." He could be watching the cabin now for all they know.

"Chloe has dogs out tracking him as we speak, it's only a matter of time before they catch him." Sabel assured Eliot. He patted his brother on the shoulder. "I think you should be with her." "And you?" Eliot asked him.

Sabel pulled out his sniper rifle, "I'll be on the roof. At the first sight of him, I'm going to put a bullet in his head. No one hurts our family and gets away with it." Eliot smirked and nodded, before thanking his brother.

Albert ran and dove into the lake, trying to get the dogs off his tail. He cursed that FBI bitch for finding his car. Cursed her for the dogs. His determination was what got him to swim across the lake, to the other side. He pulled himself out of the water, coughing and spitting up water. He panted and laid on the ground trying to catch his breath. He closed his eyes, seeing Alison, hearing her scream.

A wicked smile graced his face, it'll be worth it in the end, he reminded me himself. He pushed himself to his feet and looked around. Now where the hell was he, he wondered. He was heading North, trying to find where the Marine took them. He was going to punish Alison for making him go through so much trouble. It will be worth it, he reminded himself again.

The feel of her smooth skin, wet with blood, against his was going to be well worth the wait. He was now wondering if he should take her in the living room of the cabin, make both the CEO and the Marine watch. Maybe even rope in that FBI bitch. He bit his lip as he imagined what it would be like. Their sister wasn't his type but she was becoming a pain in his ass. So he would make an exception for her. Especially since Alison cares so much about her.

Her cries and screams were going to be echoing in his mind for years and he will smile every time he hears it. He groaned as he undid his pants, massaging his balls then his cock. He leaned back against a tree, as he masturbated to the screams of his soon to be victims. The screams coming to an end as his seed exploded on to the grass. He closed his eyes enjoying the phantom euphoria it gave him. "Soon, my princess." He whispered.

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