Chapter 12

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Alison was in the bathroom taking a bubble bath, listening to soft music, trying to relax. This whole thing was insane. She fingered the necklace her grandmother had given her. She had never worn it until now. It was the pagan symbol of protection. "Nothing bad will ever happen as long as you wear this." Her grandmother told her the first night she had moved in after her parents were killed. Her grandmother smelled of chocolate chip cookies and sage, a very comforting scent. She missed her strange family. She thought after all this insane pyschopath stuff, she should go see her grandparents. It's been so long and she wanted them to meet Eliot. She hasn't told him yet, but she loves him very much. She hopes they can get through this unharmed.

She had lowered herself a little further into the water, sighing through her nose. Suddenly she heard something break outside of the bathroom and a low groan. "Oh Princess, I'm home!"

Fear gripped her heart. "Alison run!" She heard Eliot yell. "Head South, you'll find Chloe!" Sabel yelled. She was panicking as she got out of the bath. She heard the monster hit them, telling them to be quiet. She quickly got her pajamas on as quietly as she could. She looked around the bathroom, there wasn't a single window to crawl out of so running wasn't exactly an option. He won't kill them, she told herself. He wants them to watch, just like he had dad watch. She looked around the bathroom, found a can of hairspray and the lighter she used for the candles. She also had the straight razor Sabel liked using instead of a traditional razor.

She tucked it into the waist band of her shorts. "I can do this." She whispered. She heard each step he took up the stairs. She used this small amount of time to steady herself. She had to get them out of here. Alive.

He kicked the door in and she tried the lighter but it wouldn't ignite. He back handed her, knocking the lighter and hairspray from her hands. She hit the side of the tub, her hand close to a candle. She grabbed it and flung the hot wax into his face. She then ran for the door. He grabbed her by the hair, yanking her back. She slammed into the floor. She groaned as the world spun. He then used her hair to pull her up to her feet. He brought her down to the living room where Sabel and Eliot were strapped to chairs. Sabel's nose was broken and bleeding, Eliot had a split lip.

"I love the make over she gave you." Sabel smirked. Eliot nodded, "Alison remind me to reward you for your excellent work." The man jerked her hair, causing her to cry out. He forced her to her knees. "Such a beautiful found." Albert said, tightening his grip on her hair. She whimpered and Eliot tried to get out of his bindings. "If only I had gotten to the bathroom sooner, then I would've gotten to see you all wet and soapy." Albert said, getting on his knees behind her, using his free hand to undo his pants.

The sound of the belt echoed in Alison's ears. Her fight or flight kicked in and she took the straight razor from the band of her shorts, and cut her long hair to free herself. It was now to her shoulders. When she cut it, the razor cut the man's wrist, blood dripping from the vein she sliced. She whirled around slamming the razor into his neck. Blood coated her hands causing her to hyperventilate. The room spun as she stared down at them.

Chloe barged in with agents. She cut her brothers free and Eliot pulled her into his arms. She couldn't help but stare at her hands as she hyperventilated. Sabel rushed a bowl of water and rag over to them and began cleaning her hands. She broke down into tears. She killed him. She didn't want to. She didn't mean to. She just didn't want them to get hurt. She didn't want the past to repeat itself.

She was crying so hard she didn't realize Eliot was carrying her out of the cabin. She felt something poke her arm and suddenly she was out.

Eliot looked down at her as she slept. She had a minor concussion from hitting her head and she had been in shock over what she had done. He kissed her forehead before stepping out of her hospital room. Chloe came over to him, "Hey I got that number you wanted. Mind telling me who's it is?"

"Her grandmother." He said taking it from her. "Thanks sis." She patted him on the shoulder before walking away to give him privacy. It was late, he knew that, but the time of night didn't stop him from dialing her number.

"You must be Eliot." A woman said when she answered. "Uh yes ma'am." He said, shocked that she knew he was calling her. "I know a lot young man. What I don't know is why you're calling." She said. He sighed and told her what the man and what she had done for them. "My girl has a strong heart, but this will haunt her." The old woman sighed. "I am on my way."

Then she hung up. Alison did say her family was weird. He shook his head and went back to her room. She was still asleep. Eliot sat back down in the chair he was sitting in earlier. He had made sure her hands were clear of all blood, he didn't want her to panic at the sight of the blood again.

Sabel came in, his nose all fixed and banaged. "How are you doing man?" He asked. "Exhausted." Eliot replied honestly. "You should try and get some rest." Sabel told him. Eliot shook his head, "I can't sleep. I want to be awake when she wakes up."

Sabel pulled up a chair, "Then I'll wait up with you. Chloe said you called her grandmother?" Eliot nodded, "She's on her way." His thumb ran over Alison's knuckles. "Alison claimed her family was weird." Sabel raised an eyebrow, "Weird how? I didn't think you could get any weirder than our family." Hell they were open about their sex lives with each other, they grew up with parents in a polygamy relationship, and not only that they were very open with their BDSM relationship around them.

"Her grandparents own a magic shop in New Orleans, and her mother was the youngest of sixteen siblings." Eliot explained. "Many like going into haunted houses and other crazy things like that." Sabel chuckled softly, "Sounds like our kind of people." Eliot nodded in agreement. He then looked over to Alison, please wake up, Kitten.

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