Chapter 6

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Daddy's house was so big, she thought when she saw it. "Your room is across the hall from mine." He told her as they climbed the stairs. "You will be sleeping with me, so don't worry. Your room is your little space so you can decorate it as you please. There will be a bed in there for when you take your nap as well as, if you ever have a punishment that involves you spending the night in your own room."

She pouted at that idea. She didn't like those kinds of punishments. "Cindy is being brought over later as well as your clothes and other items that weren't damaged." He told her. She nodded, "Okay." After dropping her bags into her room he gave her a tour. There was a large game room, theatre, pool and hot tub, a massive kitchen that made her heart soar, and a very large playroom that made her wet at the sight.

"Do you want to work tomorrow?" He asked her when they went into the kitchen. "I don't know." She admitted. "Part of me says to go so I'm not left with all of these thoughts, but another part of me wants to stay so I can get used to being here as well as get used to the idea that a murderer is after me." He wrapped his arms around her waist. "How about you stay here, and I can see if my mom will come be here. If he shows his face around here, I can promise you, he won't ever again." Once he informed his mother of the situation he knows she'll come armed and hope on the chance to protect her. She has often complained that she's bored ever since she retired from HPD many years ago. After her kids were grown and moved out, his dads have had to constantly figure out how to keep her occupied. Once she cleaned the entire house, which was fine. Then she moved things around, driving his dads insane. An easy retirement is not his mother's style.

"I'll leave you a list of things you can do if you're bored." He offered her next. She nodded, "Okay." He had her sit down at the kitchen island, while placing a kiss on her head, "I promise those thoughts will rarely be there Kitten." He then began making them something to eat. She brought her knees to her chest as she watched him. She sucked on her pacifier letting the sight of her Daddy cooking distract her from what her mind wanted to think about. She wouldn't let it. She didn't want to see the sight of her parents, of the smile he had as he was taken away in cuffs. She never wanted to learn his name because that meant he was human, that someone had once cared enough about him to give him a name. No one could be loved and be a monster. She prefer it if he stayed nameless to her. It made it that much easier to deal with it.

She may have a little side to her, but she wasn't naive. She knew of the hell this world was capable of. She just didn't want to admit to herself that it was another human, that did that to her and her parents. It was a monster, plain and simple. He made them sweet and sour chicken with steamed white rice. She pouted at the bland color of her plate. He kissed her cheek, "Sometime this week we'll go get you dishes you like. We'll also get you things to decorate your desk with." She smiled brightly, "Can we get me new stuffies?"

He nodded and she began eating happily. After they were done eating he had her go to their room and take a shower before bed. When he was done cleaning the kitchen he pulled out his phone to call his mom. When she answered he heard something hitting skin. "Is this a bad time?" He asked her. "No honey, your dad is just getting punished for coming home late without telling your father he was going to be late." She told him. "I see. Have you talked to Keith?" He asked her. "Yes I heard about the break in, how is she?" She asked him.

He sighed, seeing her panicked expression, "She's scared. She's having trouble being little and I'm trying to help her. Tomorrow she's going to be staying home and I don't want her to be alone, will you come spend the day with her tomorrow?" Usually he would've asked Keith or maybe Micha, both are submissives, but they don't have experience getting someone into their little mindset. His mom grew up with a mom who is a little so she would know how to do it. He wanted Alison to be comfortable, and she is having trouble being comfortable, being little. He hopes his mom can help her with that.

He heard his mother relaying to his fathers, and his fathers approving. Only their children could get away with interrupting a punishment. "Do I have to stay at the house with her or can I take her out?" She asked him. "Whatever she wants. I told her I was going to leave a list of things for her to do if she was bored but it's nothing she has to do." He told her. "I have to be at the office by eight."

He heard the doorbell ring and went to answer it. It was Keith and Chloe with Cindy and a couple boxes of Alison's things. "I promise she will be too busy to think about the bad things." His mother declared happily. "Thanks mom." He said feeling relieved. "Your father wants to talk to you." She told him before handing Danteous the phone while he had his mother do Cole's aftercare.

"How are you doing with all of this?" Danteous asked him as he went to sit down in a chair. "I'm taking it in stride." Eliot admitted as he let Cindy out of the cage while Keith set her food on the counter. Chloe went upstairs with the boxes. "Francis had informed us of the kind of man that is after her. If either of you need help, do not, under any circumstances, hesitate to call either me or your dad." He had used his no arguing tone of voice. Eliot clenched his jaw. "I know how you like to handle things yourself, and usually I respect that but this is a psychopath after your little girl. If it's one thing your parents and I know how to deal with, it's psychopaths. You don't." Eliot stayed quiet, staring at the floor, Keith looking at him concerned. "Eliot." His father said sternly. "Okay. I will call if anything happens." Eliot ground out. His father was right, he had no clue how to deal with psychopaths.

"Good. I'll let you go so you can get some rest." He said. "I love you son, and tell Keith and Chloe I love them too." How did he always know, Eliot asked. It was a question he was never going to get the answer to. "We love you too." He hung up and slipped the phone into his pocket. "Dad says he loves us." He told Keith, and Chloe as she came down the stairs with Alison.

Alison smiled when she saw Cindy and gathered the cat into her arms. "How long do you want me to keep Grim at my place?" Keith asked him. Eliot wanted Grim, his pit bull, kept at his brother's just long enough for Cindy to get used to the place. He didn't know if the monster did anything to scare her before locking her into the bathroom and he didn't want her to be around another thing to give her a heart attack so soon. Grim was only a year old and he has never been around a cat. Cindy will in fact run and he will in fact chase her but it wasn't to eat her, it was because he thinks they're playing. He at least wanted her to learn where the hiding spots are first.

Chloe smiled softly, "She is really nice. So who won the bet?" She asked curiously. "I did." Eliot told her. "She and I spent a couple of days in Miami teasing each other until I took her to the beach." He smirked as he thought about the swimsuit she wore. "At the beach we just couldn't take it anymore and once we got back to the hotel room I took her over the arm of the couch. After she signed the contract, I took her all over that hotel room."

Chloe smirked, "I feel bad for the maid that had to clean that up." Keith nodded in agreement. Eliot rolled his eyes, "You guys are idiots." Chloe laughed, "Sure we are. Are you still on for Call of Friday? Sabel will be joining us." Call of Friday is where they get into a party together on Black Ops 3 every Friday to play together.

He nodded, "Yes I will be there." They turned to Alison. "It was nice to meet you." Keith said as Chloe nodded. Alison waved bye as they left. He held his hand out for her when she put Cindy down. "Let's go to bed." He said and she took it with a small smile. He prayed his mother is able to help tomorrow. He would just have to wait and see.

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