Chapter 6

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*Louis POV*

It was the last part of the game, 1 minute counting down and I was goalie. The score was now 3-2 with us leading. Since my freeze in the second quarter, coach was watching me very carefully. Every now and then, I would take quick glances at the beautiful mystery boy and see he was looking at me with a smile on his face.

I turned back to the game, and saw a Derby player was kicking the ball to me. He took a good strong kick, and it came hurdling to the left of me. When it got close, I heard the buzzer have 5 seconds. I jumped with all my might, and hit the ball, sending it flying back to the field as the ground caught my fall. The referee called it end, and the Doncaster crowd cheered. All the mates came and picked me up on their shoulders, chanting my name and congratulating me. I looked over to coach, and he was smiling at me clapping. Then, with a lurch of butterflies in my stomach, I looked to where the mystery boy sat, and he was clapping and cheering.

When the team put me down, I motioned for him to come on. He looked over to what I assumed, and hoped, was his friend, and looked at me. The blonde nodded.

I walked over to the side of the field, and met him halfway. "Hi." I smiled at him. He was even more beautiful up close, and also a lot taller than me. "Hi." He blushed. His voice was deep and raspy, I loved it. "So um, you probably aren't even gay like me, but I wanted to tell you, when I saw you in the crowd, I couldn't move, it's like my whole world stopped and I could only focus on you. You are beautiful." I said, a blush evident on my cheeks as well as his. "Thanks." He smiled showing his adorable dimples. "Can I get your name?" I asked him. "Yeah of course, it's Harry Styles." That name was beautiful. "Beautiful." I whispered, it was barely audible. "I'm Louis Tomlinson." I said afterwards. He smiled at me. "I know, you are my favorite footballer, and i want you to know, you are gorgeous. I am gay too." He said. My heart swelled. I had to make him mine somehow. "Do you think I could get your number?" I asked him. He smiled even bigger if that was possible. "Of course." He said. I started to pull out my phone, and then I remembered it was in my bag in the locker room. "Oh shit, I don't have my phone it's in my bag" I said mentally face palming. "Don't worry, put your number in mine, I will text you and you can get it." He replied holding out his phone.

I quickly typed in my number and saved it. "I'll text you." He said. "I'll text you back." I replied smirking. "Hug?" He asked blushing. How could I say no? "Of course." I said holding my arms out.

When our bodies connected, it was like a thousand fireworks around us and a million butterflies in my stomach. Why did I feel this way?

"Bye Louis, nice meeting you." He said after pulling away with pink cheeks. "You too love." I replied without hesitation. I wanted him. And I wanted him soon.

*Harrys POV*

I walked back to Niall with a huge smile on my face. I couldn't believe he wanted to meet me, and I got his number! "So what happened?" Niall asked. "He told me I was beautiful and then we talked and we traded numbers." I replied, still smiling. "That's amazing mate, hopefully you will finally get a boyfriend." He said playfully punching my arm.

We got back to the hotel around 10. I took a short shower, and then laid in bed, waiting for the beautiful man known as Louis Tomlinson to text me.

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