Chapter 7

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*Harry's POV*

I was sitting on my bed watching tv with Niall when my phone buzzed.

I quickly grabbed it and unlocked it, seeing I had a message from Louis.

From Louis:

Hi, it's Louis :) xx

To Louis:

Hiiii xx

From Louis:

I'm so sorry if I made you feel awkward after the game, you are just so beautiful.

I blushed while reading the text, causing Niall to smirk at me. I sent him the bird.

To Louis:

It's fine, I'm amazed. I've watched you play football since you first started when you were 17.

From Louis:

Thanks! I appreciate the support.

To Louis:

No problem xx

From Louis:

So, tell me about yourself. I want to get to know you.

To Louis:

Well, my name is Harry Edward Styles, I'm 19, I go to a Uni in Holmes Chapel, Niall Horan is my best friend and I am studying Music. My favorite color is orange, i love apple juice, chicken parmasean, and I love cats! Oh, I'm also gay. But I believe I told you that earlier.

From Louis:

Awh cute! I'm Louis William Tomlinson, I'm 21, I play professional football, my favorite color is red, I love romantic movies and cheesy dates, and yeah, I'm gay as well xx

To Louis:

But I read in the paper the other day, that you were starting to believe you were straight.

I wanted him to be gay, and be mine.

From Louis:

Nah! Never in a million years.i like dick up my ass too much. ;)

I laughed out loud at that text causing Niall to give me a funny look, but he turned back to the Telly.

To Louis:

Good to hear ;)

From Louis:

Well I'm off to bed, talk to you later curly.

To Louis:

Night Lou.

*Louis POV*

I loved talking to Harry. He was everything I was looking for. He was awkward, flirty, down to earth, and not to mention drop dead gorgeous. I was going to ask him to hang out tomorrow, but I decided it would be too soon, so I left it.

I would definitely be seeing him again though.

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