Chapter 14

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*Harrys POV*

I woke up around 10 the next morning, cuddled up to a naked Louis. As I tried to move, pain shot through my stomach, and I groaned rather loudly. "Harry you okay babe?" I heard Louis' sexy morning voice ask me. "Yeah, I just moved around too much I guess." I replied. Louis gently pulled me closer to him. Then it hit me, he was leaving today. "Lou, you are leaving today." I pointed out, tearing up. "I know, I don't want to leave you in this state, but your parents are coming home today." He replied rubbing circles on his back. "Then don't leave, I don't care what my parents say about you, it won't stop me from loving you." I said to him kissing his lips. He smiled. "Well, let's go get breakfast and we will decide what I am going to do." He said standing up and pulling on some boxers.

I got dressed as well and then followed him downstairs. He made us a cheese toastie and some water. Simple, but effective. "Nice breakfast Lou." I said walking up behind him as he did the dishes. He just giggled. He fucking giggled and it was the cutest shit ever. "Aye Curly, how come I am doing your dishes in your house." He asked drying off the last plate. I shrugged, because he did have a point. "You love me." I said kissing his cheek, which had a little bit of stuble on it. He was so cute.

"Do you really have to leave Lou?" I questioned. Obviously, I had skipped Uni today. I didnt want to be hurt by Josh, but I had to go tomorrow and Thursday, as those were my last classes.

We were currently standing in the living room of my house, and I was sadly telling him goodbye. "Yes baby I do, but I promise I will come see you New Years Eve, and New Years Day, and spend a few more days with you." He said taking my face in his hands gently, pushing our foreheads together. "You swear?" I asked putting my hands on his waist and moving closer to him, if that was even possible. "Of course love, I will text you and skype you everyday. I might even have a surprise for you when I get back since you dont start Uni back until February." He smiled, his beautiful blue eyes sparkling. "Cant wait" I smirked. Slowly, I dipped my head down and kissed him. It was full of love and passion, and our lips fit together perfectly. We pulled away when the need for air became too strong. "I love you Louis Tomlinson." I said brushing my nose gently against his. "I love you too Harry Styles."

I helped him load his things into the trunk of his car, and then, I watched him drive down the road. It was only for a few days, but I was going to miss him so much.

After Louis left, I sat on the couch drinking a mug of tea while the snow gently fell outside. I had my phone beside me, waiting on Louis to text me when he got home. "Harry we are back." I heard my dad call through the front door, along with my mom. I set my cuppa down. "In the living room." I called back to them. "Hi honey." mum said hugging me and sitting down beside me. "Hey." I smiled as my dad came and sat in the love seat across from me. "How was your Christmas?" my dad asked. I smiled and blushed at the memory. "oh, he is blushing! Tell us what happened honey." My mum said pinching my cheek. "Well, me and Niall went to the football game, Doncaster against Derby, and well, Louis Tomlinson, the captain of the Doncaster Rovers, told me he wanted to talk to me after the game, So i did. We echanged numbers and all that, then he came and picked me up from Uni and spent the holiday with me. On Christmas day, we went and played out in the snow and stuff, and he asked me to be his boyfriend." I said smiling. I had to tell the whole story because I didnt get to talk to them after the game o the 3 weeks I talked to Louis after that, because I was staying busy on campus. "Thats amazing!" my dad said. "I am so happy for you." My mum chimed, grabbing my hand. 'So where is he?" My dad asked looking around. I frowned. "He left about 45 minutes ago to go home to Doncaster, but he agreed to come stay for New Years." I said picking up my cuppa and taking a sip. "I cant wait to meet him." he replid, and my mum nodded. Just then, my phone rang. I glanced over and smiled at the caller ID. "Its Lou." i motioned to my parents. "Hey LouBear." I smiled into the phone.

*Louis POV*

I smiled hearing Harry's voice. I just got home and I already missed him. "Hey babe, I just wanted to let you know I was home."

We talked for about 15 minutes before he stated he needed to help his mum cook dinner. My plan, was to find a flat for the both of us, but of course I wanted his parents permission since it was sort of soon into our relationship. I couldnt wait to see him on New Years Eve.

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