Chapter 23

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*Louis POV*

I woke up to our 6 month old daughter, Emma, crying. Harry groaned, rolling back over. "I got her baby." I said rubbing his back. I got up and walked across the hall, into her room. "Shhh don't cry love" I said picking her up, gently rocking her. "Dad why is she crying?" I heard my 5 year old, Carter, ask. "She just can't sleep love." I replied. "Go ahead and go back to sleep Carter." I said walking over to him and kissing his forehead. Emma had calmed down, but I softly hummed the tune to the song Harry wrote me 2 years ago. Yep, we had been married that long. I was 24 and Harry was 22. Time flies right?

"You are great with kids." I heard a deep voice say behind me as I laid Emma back into her crib. I turned around to see him standing in only his boxers, leaning in the doorway. I smiled and walked Over to him, placing my hands on his waist. "You are too babe" I said rubbing my nose on his

And to think, none of this would've happened, if I didn't stop and stare.

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