Blood Sugar Sex Magik

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Candy and Kate giggled marching up the steps of the mansion. It was late at night. The guys had just finished there documentary, and recordings of the album. Copies were going to start being sold next week, and Kate could barely contain her excitement. This was a big deal. At least she thought it was. Candy saw it as a way of a free vacation with Anthony when the guys went on tour. Even though Anthony had told the girl plenty of times about the no girlfriend rule, she still was going to find a way to slither her way into his brain and change his mind. Kate on the other hand was glad about the no girlfriend rule.
She was nearing the end of her night classes which meant two things. No more classes, and getting a job. She decided to skip the whole graduation ceremony which was why she committed to night classes. She had off every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Being certified to become a pharmacist was a big deal for her. But she still got a pit in her stomach, thinking about the thought of being a pharmacist for the rest of her life. Yes she found it interesting and entertaining but, she felt something was missing. This job didn't make her want to necessarily jump up in joy. She had applied to two locations. One located at the drug store near her apartment building, and the other located halfway across town. Knowing her luck, she would probably end up at the pharmacy across town. Other than being stressed out about classes she was living a pretty good life. Her and John spent a lot of time together, but not in an unhealthy relationship type of way. They liked the distance between each other living wise, and alone time. John would casual spend his alone time strumming on his guitar and hanging out with the band. Kate on the other hand would do homework, and spend more time with Candy. She liked how there relationship was flowing. They were taking things somewhat slow, which made her feel safe. She knew John wasn't gonna do anything to harm her feelings.

The two girls giggled making there way into the kitchen of the house and tying balloons that read, congratulations in fancy fonts. Candy pulled out the last minute ice cream cake she had just bought from the dollar store. Kate pulled out confetti poppers, along with party hats. They both thought this was a big deal. The guys on the other hand saw it as a way of "laying there manhood on the line." At least that's what Chad explained to both of the girls. They were surprised at the fact they were able to sneak into the house without getting caught. But to be honest, a car could've drove through the front door and the guys still wouldn't of heard it. They were sound asleep in there rooms. Writing, and recording an album was physically and mentally draining. Flea shivers thinking of how many times he had to listen to Anthony warm up his vocal chords. Chads arms were sore from the constant drumming. And John was drained due to the fact this was the first album he had ever written and recorded. The thought of his works being exposed to the world made him feel naked. Like he was being stripped away of all his ideas, and beliefs. He had been doing a lot of thinking recently about his life so far. He had a good girlfriend, and was financially stable. But on the inside he felt like he was slowly crumbling. He couldn't understand as to why he felt this way, it was just nature to him.
He had felt this way plenty of times. Especially in high school. The piles of work and constant nagging of how your not good enough made him want to gouge his eyes out. He hated school. All he wanted to do was play his guitar and be left alone.

Making there way up the stairs, holding pots and pans the girls stifled laughs. Candy mouthed to Kate, "On the count of three. One...Two...Three!" They immediately began banging the pots and pans together loudly, making each band member receive a mini heart attack. "Wakey, wakey! Time to celebratey!" Candy yelled walking into Fleas room banging the pots together. She made her way through each room nagging at the guys to get up. They grumbled making there way down the old stairs to the kitchen.
"Surprise!" Kate smiled holding the ice cream Kate with one candle stuck in it on fire. The melted wax made its way onto the cake, staining the white icing blue. "Happy first birthday to your album!" The two girls screamed blowing the candles out. They popped the confetti in there faces, bringing them out of there naps.
"Aw, you girls didn't have to do this!"Flea smiled cutting himself a slice of Kate. Chad smiled picking both girls up and yelling "What cutie pies!" John observed the whole situation, still half asleep. He let it all soak in and groggily mumbled to Kate pulling her aside, "Thank you, Kate." He kissed her forehead and continued, "I thought you had night classes..."

"They let everyone leave early, so I got lucky!" The brunette exclaimed.

"That's good. I'm proud of you, you know. Going to college isn't easy. And your making it your bitch." She laughed at his mini speech, blushing. John Frusciante always manages to catch her off guard, and leave her a blushing mess. She picked up the slice of cake on the table and used a spoon to scoop up the vanilla ice cream and creamy icing. She let out a relieving sigh as she took a bite. I needed this, she thought to herself eating the ice cream cake. She finished leaving her least favorite flavor, chocolate melting on the paper plate. John smirked at her licking his lips smiling, "You gonna eat that?" She handed the soggy plate over to him laughing at his joyful face. He smiled with sprinkles all over his lips and teeth.

"Anthony!" Candy laughed hysterically as he stuck her face in the remaining ice cream cake. Everyone laughed in unison, at her eyelashes covered in chocolate syrup, and sprinkles. Candy flicked ice cream cake at Kate making the girl gasp and fake fight her. The blonde laughed taking a slice of ice cream cake and press it against her face. Kate gasped grabbing a cold slice and shoving it down her shirt. John hysterically laughed at his girlfriends actions yelling, "That's my girl!" The two girls broke away laughing hysterically on the floor covered in ice cream.

Kate sighed feeling the warm water hit her face. She was in Johns room taking a shower trying to get all the ice cream off of her. She watched the remaining water drip down the tub as she stepped out grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her clammy body. She brushed her hair back with his comb and walked out into his room. He had left a sweatshirt and shorts with a smiley face note that made her smile. She slid the sweatshirt over her head, and then the shorts. She jumped into his bed and snuggled against the covers, smelling his sweatshirt.

"Ew, what a nerd. Smelling my sweatshirts." John laughed walking into the room. He turned the light off snuggling against her. They both enjoyed the silence, but felt as if something was missing. John sat up and whispered, "Kate? You wanna listen to the full album?" She nodded sitting up watching him place the cd into the player. She slowly leaned back into his chest when he sat down taking in the first song. He rubbed his fingers along her knuckles watching her intently listen to the album. He was trying to read her thoughts, but it was useless. When the album finished he stuttered "S-So whatcha think of the new album." She smiled mumbling, "Suck my kiss." She leaned in softly kissing his lips and said "I'm proud of you. It's really good. I'm gonna buy the vinyl when it comes out."

"Cool. I can't wait to buy your album. I can see it now, Kate Viverettes Guiar Solos." He teased lightly poking her. He was trying to teach her how to play guitar. So far she only knows a couple strings but it's a work in progress. She found it frustrating how John could play all these songs, and she only knew how to play the scale up. She always got confused on the way down. He found it cute how she would get frustrated and puff her cheeks out. He couldn't wait for the day they could play a song together. She would always joke about how that would never happen.

She pulled herself under the covers of his bed. Feeling his bony arms snake around her waist, and pull her closer to him as he whispered "Night." She whispered softly, "Night. I'm proud of you." Meanwhile John buried his face into her hair trying not to breakdown. This album was slowly breaking him, and he didn't know how to stop it.

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