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"Happy Birthday!" Candy screamed running into Kate's dim room, throwing confetti.
"Geez, Candy. Why are you here? It's five in the morning." Kate groaned as Anthony walked into the room placing a party hat on her head smirking,
"I'm here too! And you were born this day at five in the morning so we thought you would love to be awoken to the time you were born. It's like being re-born if you think about it." Frowning in confusion at Anthony's rant she shook her head and rolled underneath the covers only to be pulled out by her ankles.

"No way, birthday girl! My baby is nineteen years old! How they grow up so fast." Candy sighed putting her head on Anthony's shoulder while looking down at Kate who was slumped on the floor.

"Ew. You guys are looking at me like proud parents. Let me get dressed and shit." Kate mumbled jogging to the bathroom. Staring at herself in the mirror she thought, Am I getting old? Am I slowly dying? Poking at her hair and skin she was surprised to see not a wrinkle, or grey hair.

Curling her hair she smiled walking over to the denim skirt and large T-shirt she had waiting for her. Slipping on her shoes she jumped at Candy cheering and taking photos of her. "Damn, it took you three hours just to put clothes on and curl your hair?"Anthony raised a brow grabbing his car keys and continued, "C'mon the band said we'd meet up for birthday breakfast."

"Happy Birthday!" Flea and Chad yelled giving Kate and individual hug while she giggled. "Here." Chad smiled handing her a purple bag, while Flea handed her a light blue box tied off with a white ribbon. "Open them when you get home tonight." Flea smiled sliding in the booth. "Shit, sorry I'm late everyone." John panted running into diner before everyone sat down. "Happy Birthday, Kate." He blushed, awkwardly giving her a hug. Smiling she nodded and slowly slid into the booth next to Candy. Her and John were getting somewhere with there relationship? If a couple dates per month counted. They became distant from each other but everyone else besides them seemed to notice the romantic tension. Everyone hoped for the day they would get back together, but so far no luck.

Stirring the black coffee she had ordered, Chad reached across the table to grab a straw when he knocked a cup of icy water over causing it to spill over the table. Quickly placing his hand on Kate's knee, John gasped quickly placing napkins on top of the ice that began melting. "That scared me for a second." He joked and blushed realizing his hand was still on her thigh as he quickly pulled it away. Candy made eye contact and repetitively kicked Anthony's knee as she wiggled her eyebrows causing him to cough really loud.
"So...For your birthday I figured we'd do something spooky because your into that stuff..." Candy mumbled smirking. I am into spooky stuff? Kate thought to herself shrugging while finishing the rest of her black coffee before smiling, "Okay! I'm in!"

"Oh hell no! I am not going in there!" Kate yelled standing outside the shady building that read, Psychic Readings. "Knowing my luck they'll tell me I'm gonna die in three days."

"Yeah, but then we know we can plan your last couple days on earth to be the best." John laughed receiving a giant smack on his chest from her. Smiling he took her hands and pulled her to the side saying, "C'mon. Face your fears. You can do it. I believe in you." Turning her head away she mumbled, "Fine." A wave of relief hit everyone else as they sighed watching her enter the building. "Do you think there actually gonna tell her when she'll die?" Anthony asked Candy before she replied, "Probably."

"Hi...I'm Kate." She smiled taking a seat in front of the creepy older woman sitting across from her who replied, "I know. Give me your palms and we will start." Nodding she held her palms out as the woman smiled, "Ah. I see you've been through a lot so far in your life. Stressed, depressed, and mad at the world. Things are about to change. I can see it. You'll meet your soul mate very soon."

"R-Really? How will I know..."

"Hm let's see....Something Black will determine your soulmate."

"Something black? Like clothes?"

"That's up for you to discover."


"Just be warned! Two paths lay ahead. For which one you choose will determine if you will live a happy, or sorrowful life." The older woman replied before pulling her hands away. Damn. I screw up anything so bad decisions here I come! Something black will determine my soulmate...What does that mean? Kate thought to herself frowning while walking out of the building.

"Happy Birthday to Kate! Happy Birthday to you!" Everyone sang as she blew the birthday candles out. "Thanks guys! This has been a great birthday!" She smiled eating the chocolate ice cream cake.

"Ew! Look at Anthony!" John hysterically laughed with Kate on her couch looking at Anthony who was passed out on the floor with chocolate ice cream dried up all over his face. "Here. Open your gifts birthday girl!" John smiled stepping over everyone's passed out bodies handing her the gifts everyone had gotten her. He smiled watching her eyes light up, and how she blushed at each card she read.

"Hey...I didn't forget about you. I got you a present. But you gotta put this blind fold on." John smirked holding the blue bandana in front of her eyes. Maybe Johns not my soulmate, Kate thought noticing he had all white clothing on. Smiling as he wrapped the blind fold around her eyes he slowly led her throughout her apartment. Sitting her down on her bed he giggled, "Don't look." Feeling something heavy placed in her arms he took the blindfold off and smiled, "Ok. Open your eyes."

Right in Kate's lap sat the black guitar from the display case she had showed him months ago at the party where they had there first kiss. Not noticing the tears rolling down her eyes she cried, "John....How'd you even..."

"I bought it when I first met you. I knew you were a fast learner so I figured you would need a guitar to play, and you said you liked this one!" Holy shit it's black. Johns my soulmate. Oh my god it's black, Kate gasped standing up while shouting, "It's black! John, it's black!" He smiled weirdly nodding his head up and down thinking, no shit Sherlock I see the color of the guitar.

"John Frusciante. I love you." Kate smiled, grabbing his face while kissing him.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now