Road Trippin

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Welcome to Arizona, the Grand Canyon State. The sign read shaking as the old Cadillac flew along the highway. "He's the one! Who like all our pretty songs! And he likes to sing along! And he likes to shoot his gun!" Kate sang along to the song In Bloom by Nirvana. She didn't mind driving. It was just her, and her thoughts. Pulling into the parking lot of the Grand Canyon she felt a pit in her stomach. What am I doing? Candy's probably worried. The bands probably worried. She thought to herself. Her thoughts were interrupted by Candy's voice saying, "Disgusting." The word disgusting was constantly ringing throughout her ears. Her feelings were hurt that her own best friend wouldn't listen to her. She shook her guilt off, stepping out of the car with her tote bag and Polaroid camera strapped across her shoulder. Her old white keds crunched against the rock pathway. All the guilt she felt went away once she saw the Grand Canyon. "Holy shit." She mumbled to herself looking at the gigantic canyon before her. It looked so free. Leaning against the railing that was holding her back from a beautiful sunset she looked both ways seeing no one around. In one quick movement she hurdled over the railing, landing on the rock. She gasped as her foot slipped and she watched her sunglasses fall down into the very deep ditch.

There go my fifty dollar sunglasses, she thought to herself as she quickly pulled herself
up onto the rock. She stood up smiling at the beautiful sunset setting along the canyons. Pulling her Polaroid camera out she snapped a couple pictures of the sunset and laughed thinking about the stupid idea she had just come up with. Slowly inching out onto the thin rock she set the camera on a timer and jumped down grabbing a branch to keep her from falling to her death. Quickly grabbing the Polaroid camera she raised it above her head and smiled taking the death-defying selfie. Once she heard the click of the camera she quickly tossed it back over the rocks and pulled herself up. Laughing she jumped back over the railing shaking the Polaroid picture seeing the silly picture appear before her very own eyes. This is why I left California. To see beautiful views like this. Kate thought to herself sitting on top of the Cadillac's roof chugging the beer she had packed.

John Frusciante was losing his mind. Sitting in a room of other fellow drug addicts, and explaining why you were here wasn't convincing him that he was getting clean. He missed Kate. He wished he could turn back time where he could touch her hair, and hear her laugh. His thoughts were interrupted when the nurse grabbed his hand smiling, "You have two guests who have requested to see you. There waiting in your room." John sat up quickly and laughed hugging the nurse, "Kate's here! Kate's coming too see me! I love her!" The nurse laughed and smiled, "Come. The two are awaiting your arrival." He was so happy. Speed walking down the hall and telling every person who came across his path that his Kate was here to visit him. Entering his room he exclaimed, "Kate!" His happiness turned into a frown as he saw Anthony and Candy sitting there.

"What are you two doing here? Where's Kate?" John asked sitting on his bed. Anthony noticed he was no longer pale which was a good thing. Candy raised a brow and smiled, "We wanted to come visit you." He continued asking the same question, "Where's Kate?"

"She's gone. We figured she would be here." Anthony mumbled holding his girlfriends hand. Candy felt like shit. She thought Kate was lying to her, but here they were in the drug rehab center with John. She wanted to apologize but she couldn't. They had no idea where she had gone, or if she was even coming back. John was worried. He frowned saying, "Kate's missing?" Candy stuttered, "Y-Yeah. I said some things I shouldn't have said and she ran away-"

"I can't believe you! It's your fault she ran away!" John exclaimed making them both flinch. It got silent and he mumbled sorry rubbing his fingers through his hair. Anthony hugged him saying, "Where gonna let you get some rest now. Okay? I'll visit you tomorrow. Is there anything you want me to bring you?"

"A picture of Kate." Candy's stomach twisted into a knot once he said that. When he yelled at her, he wasn't lying. Candy wished that wasn't the last words she said before Kate had left. Looking at John, Candy quickly hugged him and exited the room with Anthony saying, "Let's check her apartment again. Just in case she came back."

Anthony knew she wasn't gonna be there but to make his girlfriend happy they drove back to the empty apartment. "She has a voice mail." Anthony mumbled pressing the play button.

"Hello Ms.Viverette! This is Doctor Stein from the hospital regarding your last visit with us. I wanted to apologize because your blood results were mixed up with a Carolyn Viverette. I'm sorry but you are pregnant. We want you to come back tomorrow so we can run some more tests just to make sure. I'm really sorry for this mix up. Have a good evening." The ringing of the voice recorder was the only thing to be heard in the quiet apartment as he heard Candy gasp. The couple turned to each other in disbelief. "We have to find her." Candy snapped, turning to Anthony.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now