Be Nice

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"Actor, River Phoenix died this Sunday morning outside a night club at the age of twenty three. We are still waiting for an autopsy result to find out why the sudden death of this beloved actor has occurred. Back to you-" The news reporter was cut off by Kurt turning the tv off and wiping his eyes before croaking, "He's gone. He's gone. He was my best friend. He's gone. I can't believe he's gone. I know why he's dead. Heroin. I told him to cut back. He wouldn't listen." John coughed while looking at Kate who was starting to get upset. Quickly escorting her to the bedroom he mumbled, "Get some rest. I'll be back in a moment."

"John. Please. Be nice to him." Kate pleaded as he nodded while closing the door. How do you comfort someone who's best friend just died? Think John. Think....Geez your a dumbass. Why can't you think of something. Say something. Anything, John thought to himself while walking back into the living room. Slowly sitting down next to Kurt he placed a hand on his back and continued, "I'm sorry, Kurt. I never knew him. But he seemed like a good guy."

"He was. It's all my fault. I did heroin with him. That's how he got hooked. That's how I got your girlfriend hooked. I'm such an asshole. I like to think if I convince everyone else to do something bad with me, I'm doing the right thing." Kurt cried while rubbing his eyes. Johns hands clenched into fists. He knew Kurt had no intention of hurting anybody. But the fact he even admitted to hurting Kate made him pissed. Just walk away. Before you do something. Walk away. Walk....Fuck it- John began to think as he quickly swung, making his fist collide with Kurt's cheek.

"What the Fuck John?!" Kurt yelled while holding his cheek, that was already beginning to bruise. "I-I'm Sorry. I don't know what came over me." John apologized while holding his fist that ached. "No...don't apologize. I can see why your angry. I'm sorry. Would you mind if I talk to Kate? Alone?" Kurt asked while looking up at John who practically had steam coming out of his ears. "Uh. Sure." John snapped, while pointing to the bedroom door. Watching him walk towards the bedroom, John had to force himself from hitting Kurt again. He didn't mean to hurt him. But he was angry. It was because of Kurt, Kate had tried heroin. He didn't want to blame Kurt. But there was a tiny voice inside Johns head whispering, it's all his fault. Kurt was misunderstood. He was a broken soul. Using drugs to hide his pain. Nobody could stop him.

"Hey..." Kurt smiled while opening the door to see Kate sitting in the bed.

"Hey. What's up? Are you okay?"

"N-No." Kurt began to cry making Kate quickly pull him into her arms.

"H-He's gone...Rivers gone. It's my fault. It's all my fucking fault. I got him hooked. I told him to stop. He wouldn't stop..."

"Kurt. It's not your fault. It was his choice he didn't want to stop."

"You know he couldn't stop. Once that shit gets into your system there's no going back. I-I can barely look at you now. It's my fault this mess happened to you. Your wrists....Jesus Christ, Kate. I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry."

"Kurt it's fine. It was my fault. I don't want to talk about it anymore. How are you? Are you okay? I know losing a loved one is tough. I'm here. Okay?"

"Okay..."He mumbled while hugging her. She slowly hugged back, rubbing circles along his back. She was worried about Kurt. He seemed off. Very off. He was frustrated, and mad at himself. This made a pit form in Kate's stomach. "When's the funeral..." she hoarsely whispered while staring at the pictures on the bedroom wall.

"A week from now. I'd like to see you there. If you don't mind. I know you probably don't think of River as a nice person after what had happened....but without the drugs he was the nicest person I have ever met. He had a personality like no other. I really wish you could've met the real him. He always acted so off, and different when he was on drugs. But he was still my best friend."

"Kurt. I'll be there. I'm sure he was a good person. He seemed like it. If you need any help with anything, I'll help you out....Just give me a call. I'm only a call away. Alright?"

"Alright. Thank you. I really appreciate it. I'm gonna get going...Thank you Kate." He slowly leaned in and kissed her on the forehead before leaving. After hearing him leave she sighed while rolling onto the bed. She was worried. And afraid. Kurt seemed so tired. Of life.
"Hey what's wrong? Is everything ok?" John asked while entering the room and seeing the frown plastered across Kate's face.

"Yeah...I'm just worried for Kurt. He seemed off. I felt so bad for him. He lost his friend. They seemed close. I can't imagine the pain he's going through. It took me a long time to get rid of the pain I felt after my mother's death."

"He did seem off. I'm worried about him too. At least Rivers in a better place now. He's no longer suffering. Or having that inner battle with himself. Drugs slowly kill you. Drugs turn your body against you. Drugs make you your worst nightmare. Your own enemy. It's only a certain amount of time before you snap. And lose hope. Like a ticking time bomb. Waiting to explode."

"J-John. That was beautiful. True. Terrifying, but truly beautiful. Your so wise. How do you think of these things?"

"I don't know. It just comes to mind. Was what I said really that moving?"

"It was kind of hot, actually."

"Oh really? You wanna know what else is really hot?" John smirked while slowly making his way towards Kate and pushing her down onto the bed.

"What?" She barely breathed out as he leaned down and whispered into her ear, "You, Me. No one else in the house. Just the two of us. Alone....By ourselves."

"I think you made it clear we're alone." Kate giggled as he kissed her neck and began laughing with her.

"And you know what that means?"

"Hmm....I'm not exactly sure."

"Are you sure? I think I'm supposed to do something...."

"Do what?"

"You." John smirked but immediately frowned as Kate began hysterically laughing, "That sounded so cheesy! Oh my goodness! Nice pick up line, John.....Your so funny. Come here." Grabbing his face Kate placed a light kiss onto his lips.

"I'm serious." John smiled while looking her in the eyes before mumbling, "Unless you don't want to."

"Of course I want to do it."

"Do what?" John teased.

"You." Kate began hysterically laughing, at her way of using Johns pick up line. Lightly scoffing John sighed, "What am I gonna do with you?"

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now