Unexpected Visits With Parents

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Morgan in the M.M
Morgan Sampson:
"So... you could just make yourself at home and I'm about to go help and watch Miles get some more clothes on and imma get myself more clothes. Imma get some popcorn too. Do you want some water or anything?" I asked.
"I just have to use the restroom." He said and I nodded.
"So follow me." I walked upstairs and went to my room and smelt a familiar scent. I immediately stopped. By this time I totally had forgotten about Lucas. I heard Lucas ask if I was okay but I completely ignored him.
"Miles, baby boy what are doing in my room?" I asked about to start crying.
"I make myself smell good mommy." He said so seriously. My tears started flowing and I laughed a little.
"Miles...what mommy tell you bout messing with daddy stuff?" I mumbled taking the cologne out of his hands.
"Not to mess with it but mommy I had to, I wanted to smell good for Sam." He said making me smirk. And somebody else too. I turned around and looked back to see Lucas.
He saw me cryyyyy....omg
"Oh! I forgot all about you following me. But the bathroom is right here..and oh I have to get some—" Lucas cut me off.
Lucas Mathews:
"I have to get some—" I cut her off and kissed her. At first she didn't kiss back, but she did eventually. That was something I had been wanting to do because her lips looked extremely soft and I wanted to see if they were. And they are!
"Mmmm...wait..wait..what are you doing?" She asked with her eyes still closed. I chuckled and pecked her lips one more time.
"Are you ok now?" I asked and she nodded her head, with her eyes still closed.
"Great..." she said low key moaning.
I snapped my fingers in her face and she jumped. "I'm sorry... but umm yea. Imma go find the movies and the snacks while you use the restroom." She said leaving the restroom.
Morgan Sampson:
I had to hurry myself up outta there, because if I didn't ain't no telling what would've happened. I sighed and finished changing into some more clothes to see my parents, Miles' grandparents. I jetted up the stairs as fast as I could to Lucas and before I knew it we bumped right into each other.
"What's the matter?" He asked, and I shushed him and pushed him into my room.
"My parents and Miles' grandparents are downstairs for what reason, I have no idea. So when they ask me or you what are you here for you say that you're with Sammie and we havin a movie night." I said as fast as I could and he looked at me crazily, but nodded.
I walked downstairs and plastered a smile on my face.
"Hey my lovely parents! And Mr. and Mrs. Davidson!" I said happily. Both my parents and the Davidson's rose to their feet and came and hugged me.
"Hi my baby!" My mom said hugging me tightly.
"Ok Michelle let her go, don't kill my baby girl.. who do you have here?" My father asked.
"My friend." I said while Lucas said, "Her boyfriend." I frowned but immediately stopped and smiled. Miles' grandparents looked at him.
"Baby girl I'm honestly happy that you found someone cause I was tired of seeing you mope around about my son. But one thing don't let my grand baby forget about him." My mom said and Miles' grandparents nodded their heads in agreement.
"But I know you're wondering why we're here...but we came to take Miles but he's with his crush I see." Miles' grandfather said. I smiled.
"Well you could join us for movie night and then you could take him. But I'll go get his bag ready and set the movie up." I said excusing myself, with Lucas right behind me.
Once we made it upstairs to Miles room, I closed the door and glared at him.
"What was that out there Lucas?" I asked going into a drawer.
"Nothing I was just—" I cut him off.
"You were just what? Being crazy!" I yelled.
He looked at me blankly. I continued to fuss.
"We barely know each other and you're saying we're together. Does that make sense? Huh Lucas?...No! It doesn't. I didn't know what to expect once you said that we you said that—" he cut me off by pulling me into him roughly.
Is it bad thing to say that this is a turn on?
"If I say we boyfriend and girlfriend, then that's what we are alright? I don't care if we just met, you mine and I'm yours? Ya understand?" He said and I just stood there unable to speak. He rose his eyebrows, waiting on a response. I nodded my head.
"I can't understand that nodding head mess." He said.
"Yes.. I understand. Now please move, I'm trying to get my son's clothes." I said looking away from him.
All the time we were alone together he gave me attention and I hated it with a passion.
"Don't look away from me when I'm talking to you... gimme a kiss." He said and I gave him a little peck, and walked away with him smacking booty. I squealed finished packing the bag.
Lucas Mathews:
I already know for a fact that she's going to be mine, and I'm going to put a ring on her finger and we gone be together forever. I smiled and walked downstairs with her parents and Miles' grandparents.
"Hey Big Lu!" Sammie said when I came in. I smiled and kneeled down on her level.
"Yes ma'am?" I asked and she smushed my face together. I laughed and removed her hands from my face.
"Uncle Lucas.. where Miss Morgz at? And why y'all not watching the movie with us?" She pouted.
"I'm sorry..baby girl I was packing Miles' bag ready." Morgan said placing her hand on my lower back. Sammie nodded and went to sit back over by Miles.
"Ok well the movie is almost over so we're just going to head out with Miles...but before we go, let me talk to you Lucas is it?" I felt Morgan pinch my back and mumble something under her breath. I chuckled and nodded my head.
"Alright come on let's go in the kitchen." Her dad said and got up. I felt Morgan hit me again and I turned around laughing.
"What?" I mouthed to her. She shook her head. I shrugged my shoulders and made my way into the kitchen with her father.
"Yes sir Mr. Sampson?" I asked and he looked at me with a serious face.
"So you and my daughter talking or whatever you call it?" He asked, I smiled and nodded but it faded when I didn't see him smile.
"Yes sir.. your daughter and I are talking." I replied. He nodded.
"Well.. listen that's my baby girl, if I get a call from her about you doing whatever and she's crying. I myself will personally hurt you.. that's not a threat, a promise." He said smiling at the last part.
I thought I feared nobody but God but he sure is making me feel like I'm scary.
"Yes sir. I'm not trying to break her heart at all. Cause I know what heart break feels like so I don't want her to go through that." I said.
He nodded again.
"Ok and what about baby girls mom? Sammie right?" He said and I nodded.
"That's my niece but she stays with me because her parents..my older sister and her husband died...in a uh..car accident." I cleared my throat.
I never really talked to about the death of my sister to anyone. Not even my mom. Til this day I haven't went to her graveside and don't plan on it either.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that... I sorta understand how you feel. My sister died from cancer as well too. I know that's a touchy subject for the both of us.... but all I'm saying is don't break her heart." He said walking out and patted my shoulder.
I'm never gonna break her heart, if anything imma try to fix it.

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