First Big Argrument

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Morgan Sampson P. O. V.
It had been three weeks after I found out I was pregnant. We did go to the doctor turns out I'm 3 months pregnant. But right now I was mad at Lucas.
"Bae..get up out of the bed." I yelled.
He had been in the bed all day, because I had him up all night and he had just got off from work.
" you want? You see I'm trying to sleep." He groaned.
I rolled my eyes.
"For you to get up out of bed." I yelled.
"I just got off from work, and I'm tired. And plus, you kept me up all night long." He yelled back.
"I don't complain...and it wasn't me keeping you up all night it was my unborn child keeping me up all night! It's not my fault that you wanted to go in me all raw!" I yelled more.
"It's my child too!" He yelled back.
"Well you not acting like it!" I yelled.
"How am I not acting like it, and I been with you all this time—you know what dawg..I'm out." He yelled, and said the last words calmly after he cut himself off. He then got up out of the bed, put his sweats on and bounced.
"I didn't care at all." I mumbled, as watched him leave my yard from the window upstairs.
30 minutes later:
"Lisa!!! He needs to come back." I pouted.
Lisa rolled her eyes.
"Girl shut up." Logan yelled.
"Aye nie leave my baby girl alone." Marcus said putting his hand on my head.
I took his hand off my head and laughed.
"Thank y'all for coming over." I smiled sincerely.
"Yea where the food at? Cuz you did tell us that." Logan said standing up.
"At the store." I smirked.
He smacked his lips.
"What you mean at the store dawg?" He asked.
"I didn't tell you that the food was at... I just said that I had food." I said.
"Dawg that's messed up." He complained and I laughed.
"It's not. You should ask where next time. And besides you just had Sonic." Marcus said slapping the back of his head.
I laughed. They had came over here because I had asked them to, after Lucas left. I was missing him like crazy, and I wanted him to be here.
"You guys I can't help it anymore. I'm calling him." I said.
I dialed his number and it rang and rang.
"He's not coming back, and it's all my fault!" I started crying big crocodile tears.
Everyone sighed and started hugging me.
Four days later:
Lucas Mathews P. O. V.
I sighed, and watched Morgan call my phone. It's not that I didn't wanna go back over by her house. It was just that I was really hurt by her. I'm in love with her and our unborn child, and for her to say something like that to me hurt me real deep. I just wanted her to sweat, to feel how I felt. But it seems like that's not going to work because bored and lonely. Sammie and my mom is not making it any better either. I was over at her house chilling.
"You just need to get up out of my house and go get her. Yea she said what she said, but cut her some slack she pregnant." My mom said.
"Momma what that gotta do with her saying that?" I asked furrowing my eyes.
"Well baby she probably wondering how she gone raise a baby." She said.
"Mama..she is a doctor.. and her parents are both successful business people. And plus she already got a child." I said and she looked shocked.
"Oh baby let that hoe go." My mom said nonchalantly. I laughed.
"Ma, don't call her out of her name...she ain't one of them." I said.
"Ok..well just go by her house, and don't say nothing but tell her that you getting your stuff. And see what her reaction is... go! I'll keep Sammie." I mumbled.
I groaned, got up, and made my way to her house.
At Morgan's house:
I knocked on her door and Logan answered it.
"Bro I'm so glad you here. Morgan bout to die." I laughed and dapped him.
"Yes indeed, but we bout to go. You handle that pregnant emotional wreck." Lisa said walking out with Miles her brothers behind her.
"I got y'all." I said closing the door. I walked upstairs where she was watching T. V. humming a song.
"Hey.. I Uh, I just came to get my clothes." I said, acting.
She nodded with tears in her eyes.
I walked into her closet and got my clothes and came back to see her on her knees crying.
"Lucas please! No! I'm sorry baby. I know you care a lot. And I'm sorry that I said that." She cried.
I acted like I didn't care on the outside, but on the inside I was happy. I walked over to the door, but she stood in the front.
"No! You not going no where! And I mean it!" She yelled.
I kissed her and she moaned. I pulled away, and looked at her.
"Listen to me...don't you ever say that I don't care about you or our child because I do. I will always care even if you make me mad. Like you just did." I said grabbing her waist softly. She nodded her head and tears fell from her eyes. "Stop crying. You too cute. I love you." I kissed her forehead.
"I love you." She said.
I smiled and pulled away to take my shirt off. I walked over to her bed and saw my shirt.
"Really, you slept with my shirt on all these days huh?" I asked.
"Mhmm. I couldn't sleep." She mumbled getting into bed.
"Now you gone let me sleep whenever I get off from work right?" I asked, and she nodded her head hastily.
"Bae you can sleep whenever you get ready. When you sleep.. imma go to sleep and leave you alone." She mumbled closing her eyes.
"Seem like you haven't slept in forever." I said kissing her forehead.
"I haven't. I had gotten comfortable in how I was sleeping with you. At both houses." She mumbled, now completely sleep.
She's going to be the death of me.

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